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"What the fuck do you mean you wanted to do it yourself?! He almost fucking killed me and all you were worried about is if YOU got him?! Beyoncé anything could've happened! You know all the shit he caused BEFORE! he even shot me!"

Onika was livid. Her parents were with Jaylen at the hospital while she went home to tend to the girls. Getting them ready for school and keeping them situated.

"Baby! We all thought he was dead! Then we hear that he ain't and he rolling around paralyzed in a fucking wheel chair! I didn't ask for the nigga to survive! The fuck! If it was up to me he would've died right there in that basement!"

"And I understand that..." She lowered her voice. "But why didn't you tell me he was still alive Bey? We've been moving around with no problem. I've been all around this city. Anybody could've been watching me...my kids. And it's true because he got to my son...my baby. He's sitting in the hospital drained...tired. All because he was poisoned....Bey he could've died and we wouldn't have known a thing."

She had calmed down, realizing that it wasn't Beys fault that he survived. Her hand rested on her forehead while she paced back and forth.

Something was telling her not to send the kids to school, so she wouldn't. There was too much worry in her body to do so.

"And I apologize...but that's why I wanted to start the business back..To get him."

"So you need the fucking business to kill somebody? Tuh....that says a lot. Because me...he'll be dead with or without that damn business. I guarantee that. I'm not starting the business back. I damn near lost my life over that. Ever thought you wouldn't see your kids anymore? The people you love and care for being hurt because they won't see you again... I bet you never even thought about it like that.

You just think i'm being a bitch and don't want to make money. No Beyoncé...I'm fucking scared yo. I've been scared to do everything. In my mind i'm thinking I killed Dave and there could be people after ME! But turns out the nigga is alive and he's after MY FAMILY!"

Finally letting out her feelings a bit, she felt good.

"And on top of all this stress, i'm doing home shit alone. My wife that put the kids in me isn't helping me. You sit on your ass all day. I've been dealing with sick kids for the past few days now and it's not fun. Waking up at the crack of dawn because one of them is crying. You know how they are when sick...When I first got home after being shot, you wanted to help me. But now it's like fuck me.

I'm not fully healed, I never will be. I still get pains from carrying things or doing certain stuff. I had to carry BOTH girls because they were sick and didn't want to do anything. Plus walking up the stairs...That shit hurt so bad Beyoncé. But hey....you don't care, neither do I. When you come home see me, the kids and the dog is gone...just ask yourself why...Why don't you love me?"

No tears. She felt like she'd cried enough. All her emotions went towards her son.

Beyoncé didn't know how to feel. Her heart hurt for her wife. She didn't realize how she was acting and the way it affected Onika.

All she wanted to do was hug her. Tell her she was sorry and would do better. But she knows that Onika isn't the one for words. She would much rather you show than tell.

"I-I'm sorry...Baby I do love you. So much. More than myself."

"Didn't you tell our son that a sorry ain't shit? Get it together and practice what you preach. You can get on him all day about respecting the women in his life, but you're not even doing right by the main one. You got mad at him for yelling at me, you just yelled at me not even five minutes ago. I'll be damned if you try to tell my son some shit that you don't even do. Get this together Beyoncé, i'm serious. You're not about to drain me with this. I will leave you. We've been through way too much and you would think that'll make me stay.

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