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"I'm s-sorry!" Nicki screamed. "Mmmmm Beyyy! F-fuck!"

Her small hands pushed at Beyoncés stomach and she shook uncontrollably. There was no point in trying to move, her body was taking over. She had no control over what was happening.

It felt like she was floating, her eyes falling slowly. Only to pop back open at the feeling between her legs. She started to squeeze them together, feeling pressure on her thighs.

To her, she was pushing with all her force. But in reality, she wasn't even touching Bey. Her hand was moving back every time there was a deeper stroke.

It felt painfully good.

Beyoncé lifted a leg, holding it over her shoulder. She laid their hips together, allowing every inch to be felt. That made Onika stiffen. Her body froze as she felt the dick tap and jerk against her spot.

It was a blessing and a curse. Bey could make her 10 inches jump on command.

The overwhelming feeling came to Onikas stomach as she squirmed. Beyoncé staying there only made it impossible for her to release.

Her chest heaved faster and faster the more it took over her.

Eventually, her small hands pushed Beyoncés stomach with full force, making her shoot out. She immediately started squirting everywhere. A loud moan left her as her body spasmed.

Her back arched and fell continuously as she flowed a river. Her mouth slightly open with her eyes closed shut.

That was a sight that Beyoncé loved. She knew just how to make her lose it. Just looking at her made the older woman cum. Nicki whined and Beyoncé hovered over her, kissing her lips.

Onika was stuck. Trying to get her feeling and a snap back into reality. Feeing Beyoncé lay lightly on top of her, careful of the baby.

They laid there quietly as Onika was still in a bliss. Her hands sat on Beyoncé's shoulders as she opened her eyes slowly.

Pain shot through her body and she whined. Pushing Beyoncé off of her, she rolled to her side, clutching between her legs.

Beyoncé kissed around her body, making sure not to miss a spot. It helped calm her, having her relax more into the silk sheets.

"Please...please go run some water." Nicki whimpered.

The dramatics made Beyoncé cackle. They'd been having sex for hours because of Onika's mouth. Smart mouthing got her caught up and in trouble.

Bringing up her past dudes, and the fact that she was still in contact with them. Beyoncé didn't like it, and Onika made it known that she didn't care.

Beyoncé went to do what was requested, and returned to Onika. She had tears on her face as she sat on the edge of the bed. Her body was in a lot pain. Not that she regretted anything that got her there.

She was lifted and sat into the floor tub. They'd got it built in not too long ago and Onika loved it. A big circle rub built into the floor of the bathroom.

They sat in it together, Onika with her back to Beyoncés front. Comfortable silence, Nicki whimpering every once in a while. Bey would rub her belly randomly.

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