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Onika rode like her life depended on it. Rocking slowly with the emerald green silk sheets covering their lower half's. Holding Beyoncés shoulders as she rubbed Onikas body.

They were in a love making moment. Finally getting a break; the kids sleeping. It had been a minute since they actually made love. Enjoying it with full awareness instead of angry sex.

Intimacy flowing through them both. If anyone were to be sitting in that room, they would feel love in the air.

Onika softly took hold of Beyoncés ear, rubbing it comfortably. The older woman was in a bliss. Her eyes shut as her head rested against the headboard. She didn't know what to do.

Besides enjoy the feeling she was being given.

Her hands softly rubbed Onikas ass, smacking it when she felt like it. Squeezing the skin because it felt good to the both of them.

"I'm cumming." She panted with a lip in her mouth, looking at her wife with lidded eyes. Her heartbeat quickened as she felt the rush. "Fuuuccckkk." Her legs tensed as euphoria rippled through her.

That didn't stop the younger girl. She rode harder, but keeping the slow pace. Making her woman moan out from the overdrive. They started to rock in sync, since Beyoncé was somewhat running from the feeling.

Her body was tingling.

"S-shit mama..."

"Kiss me papa."

Their lips came together as they rocked. One of Beyoncés hand snuck under the cover, coming in contact with Onikas clit. She was sent into overdrive and wanted to do the same to Nicki.

Placing her thumb firmly over the area and rubbing in tight circles. Their lips parted as she breathed heavily. Feeling Onikas body stiffen above hers. The legs beside her started to shake and she knew it was happening.

She sped up her thumb and pushed her tongue into her lovers mouth. Feeling the extra wetness roll down her thighs made her sigh. They were both wore out and feeling amazing.

"I love you so much girl."

"I love you too baby."

"I don't know Beyoncé get out my face." Onika mushed her away and focused on the breast feeding baby in her arms. She was stressed because Armoni didn't like the hearing aids and cried every time she was annoyed.

It confused them but the doctors let them know that it was okay for the first few months. Just to give the baby time to adjust.

"I'm just trynna see mama. Stop being like that. Damn." She looked at her wife's boob like she really knew what she was looking for. "So she won't latch over here?"

"No. Just this one and it's not gonna keep producing as much milk if she keeps it in her mouth. My right boob leaks so much because won't latch."

"Want to call the doctor?"

"No. I'm tired of calling the fucking doctor. We've called her so many times these past few months. Making me feel like I don't know my child. We didn't go through all of this with the others."

She felt like her pregnancy with Armoni was the harshest and now she has to deal with other things. It was stressful.

"I know...we're doing the best we can but it's only so much you and I can do."

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