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They were all prepared for that moment. But that still doesn't make up for the pain the event has caused.

The younger girl would lock herself in the guest room, alone. Being isolated was her way to deal with grief. She'd never had to deal with it before.

Being that she killed people that would have no type of affect on her. Death didn't occur in her family much. If it did, they weren't close and she didn't feel it.

But her father was a big one and it hurt her more than anything.

Beyoncé had been trying to get her to eat, but she wouldn't. She didn't cry loud or make a scene. Onika was calm with it. Simply saying no and keeping it pushing.

They could hear her sobs at night when she would lock herself away, but she didn't know that. She thought she was being discreet.

Her family were on their way to see her. Beyoncé had contacted them about the way she was and they wanted to comfort her. It had only been two days, so Carol was preparing for wake and funeral days.

But would take a break to see her daughter.

Beyoncé opened the door for them and instructed where she was. They heard sniffles from the other side of the door and gave her time to calm down.

Once they did, she knocked lightly on the door.

"One second." She heard softly. Little footsteps were heard and the door opened slowly. Onika thought she would be dealing with her one of her children.

But when she saw her mom, Dominique, Kelly and Durrell, she smiled small.

"Hey baby." Carol whispered. Nicki allowed them to walk in and the filled the room.

Beyoncé stepped inside as well, closing the door behind her.

"Hey y'all...What brings you over here?" She took her spot on the floor. The same one she'd been sitting in since she came home the other night.

"You is what brings us here...What's going on baby? I know you're grieving now and that's fine...but you still have to care for yourself. Why aren't you eating?"

"I just don't want to Momma."

"Well it's not what you want right now when you have a baby in you, pumpkin. Your not only looking out for yourself right now, but baby boy needs care too."

"We love you Nini." Kelly sat beside her on the floor. She smiled small as they hugged.

"I love y'all too...I'm good y'all, for real. I just had a moment. But...You know he prepared us for this, I just wasn't expecting it like that. I'm alright, seriously."

"You know you could say that all day and still not be okay. Onika we're your family, talk to us when you need to. Stop locking yourself away because that won't change anything." Durrell brushed her hair back.

Nicki nodded with a small smile and looked at her family in front of you.

"You snitched on me?" She smiled at Beyoncé.

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