Vingt Deux

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"Ouch! Stop!"

"Put it down then!"

"No! It's a fucking bag Beyoncé move around."

Onika wanted to help take groceries in but was constantly denied. They went through the same thing every pregnancy.

"I don't care if it was a damn pen. I said to put it down." Beyoncé gritted before snatching the grocery bag. It was over at that point. The smaller woman gave up and stormed into the house.

"I hate you bruh!"

"Come here!"

"No!" She went into their room and started to undress, preparing for a nap. It was only the beginning of her pregnancy and she could already tell sleep would be her best friend.

Every child made her feel something different.

As she laid down, she turned on the Tv. Just for background noise. Slowly her children came in. Baby Nova being the mommas baby, she was first.

Laying under Onikas arm and hooking onto her neck. Jaylen being the oldest, walked in with Armoni on his chest. It made Onika paranoid and she sat up quickly.

But him being him, he ignored it and climbed into bed with her. Nicki made sure he laid correctly with her and was comfortable.

She had a feeling that Jayla was with Beyoncé. Since she was the biggest Papas baby, it was very rare that she would just lay with Onika. But she would at times.

"You want me to get her Jay?"

"Nah Momma I got it. She sleeping."

"Ok." She inhaled deeply before releasing it, calming her nerves.

They laid together with Nova softly rubbing Onikas stomach. None of the kids knew about the pregnancy so it confused her. But she didn't say a thing.

Jaylen started to pat Armonis back as she whined a little, calming her down instantly. It wasn't long and they all were asleep. Breathing softly and touching each other in some way. Jaylen had moved under Onikas other arm, still holding Moni tightly.

Beyoncé and Jaila were downstairs loading the kitchen with groceries. Cleaning up the small messes made and singing to Disney songs from the Tv.

When they were finished, they headed upstairs as well. The sight of the others made Beyoncé smile, until she remembered what Onika told her a while ago. She had a strong dislike for the word hate being directed to her.

Jaila saw her mother was sleep and took that as her chance to go to the candy box. Down in the pantry she locked herself inside.

Her Papa was too busy hovering over her wife. Watching her sleep peacefully on her back with their children surrounding her. She kissed her lips and slowly stuck her hand into the exposed underwear.

Rubbing her clit slowly making Onikas eyes shoot open. Immediately catching Beys eyes.

"You hate me?"

"Beyoncé stop. Seriously."

"You hate me?"

"No I don't hate you. Baby stoooppp."

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