Episode 4

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---Mr. Cris house---
Ms. Sara, Where is Ms. Stela?

She is on the way Mr.Cris.She will be here soon.
Ha! Here she is.

Sorry Mr. Cris I'm late.

No. It's okay. Ms. Stela. Just now family dinner has began.

--Stela regrets for coming late and attending family dinner---
(I must have come earlier. Then I would have dined with other guest AHh!)

Ms. Stela what are you waiting for? Come in.

Yes. Mr. Cris. One minute. I'll go and search for Min.

Min is already inside, Ms. Stela.

Ooh! Umm.. Okay.

--Stela entered into the house and shocked to see Kevin and Ken inside--

Please. come in, Ms. Stela. (With a

You must be shocked to see him here Ms. Stela.

Yes. Mr. Cris. I'm wondering what director is doing here.

Mrs. Cris:
Ken and Kevin have grown up in our house. We all were neighbors. But, these both mostly spent there time in our house.Now Ken's parents are in Japan so he lives here. They are like my own children.

Oh! That's great.

Mrs. Cris:
Please,take your seat, Ms. Stela.

Mrs. Cris, you can call me Stela. I feel uncomfortable if you are too polite to me.

You are such a sweet girl.

Thank you Mrs. Cris.
Happy birthday Mrs. Cris.
Here is your favorite painting.
I have heard you like arts. So, I brought this painting for you. Hope you like it.

Mrs. Cris:
Of course, I like it. I have searched for it in many museums and auctions. Where did you get it, Stela.

That's not important ,Mrs. Cris. I like it I'm happy for that.

Mrs. Cris :
Stela, you should call me aunty.

As you wish Mrs. Cris. Sorry, Aunty.

Mr. Cris:
Are you guys going talk till Morning. Come on we are hungry. Let's dig in.

That's right. Come on Sweetie I'm hungry.


Mrs. Cris:
He calls me sweetie from his childhood. When he was 11years he challenged his uncle that he will grow tall and handsome and he will marry me. (With laughter)

I'm ready now. Sweetie are you ready to marry me?

Mr. Cris:
Kevin, then what I should do if you marry my wife. Can't you find someone suitable to your age like Stela.

(Looking at Stela with naughty smile)

--All are observing them---
--Stela got call from mom--
--she isn't answering---

Mr. Cris:
Ms. Stela why aren't you answering your call. It's ok, you can answer it.

It's not a important call Mr .Cris. Let's continue.

---Kevin observed that she is sad--
--Stela got call from Jiji--

Mr. Cris:
I have to take this call. Excuse me.

In call:
(Baby, how is it going? Is everything okay? Are you able to endure it?
( I'm okay. I can control myself. What's the matter Jiji. Why did you call me.)
(That... Aunty called me just now. She said that you may have forgot that today is your father birthday. So... She asked me to remind you to wish your father. He is waiting for your wishes it seems.)
(Jiji, do you think I have to do that? They are waiting for me. Bye.)

--She came inside with a sad face--
Mr. Cris, something came up. It's emergency. I have to go. Please don't mind it. As for the contract signing Min will take care of it.
I'm sorry Ms. Cris. Please forgive me.

Mrs. Cris:
It's okay, Stela. You have to go if it's an emergency. We don't mind it. Right, Honey.

Mr. Cris:
Yes. Ms. Stela, it's okay you can go.

Thank you.

--only Kevin is able see that something is wrong by seeing her eyes---
--Sara and Min looked at each other---

--Stela, went to Jiji's home and cried alot--
---Next day---
--LV company--

Good morning Ms. Stela. Yesterday contract signing with Mr. Cris is a success.

Well done. There is a meeting in 10 minutes. Gather everyone.

Okay. Ms. Stela.

--Stela felt a little dizzy--

Are you okay? Ms. Stela.

I'm okay. Carry on with your work .

Ms. Stela, Here is your coffee.

No. Sara, take it away.

Ms. Stela, you didn't have your breakfast ,right?

There is a meeting now. Take this material to the meeting room.

Okay. Ms. Stela.

--meeting began Stela is explaining the details. Kevin is watching her---
--Stela felt dizzy again. At last she was about to collapse on the floor. Kevin stood up quickly and catched her waist and took her to the hospital--

--Stela can to consciousness---

Ms. Stela, finally you woke up. We were startled.

Baby, are you okay now? What is this how many times I said you to take care of yourself properly. Luckily, it was in the company so Mr. Kevin took you to the hospital. What if it was on road or somewhere?

I'm okay, Jiji. Don't be tensed.

--Kevin didn't utter a word. He just kept staring at her---
--Doctor came in--
Doctor, What is her condition? Is she alright?

Is anything serious doctor? Does she need bed rest?

You both, calm down first. There is nothing serious. It's just because of overtime work, less sleep , not taking food on time and skipping meals frequently. She just have to take some rest, take food on time . By the way you can take her to home and bring her back after 1 week. I'll prescribe medicine.

Okay. Doctor.

Baby, How many times I said you to eat and sleep on time. See, what happened. You will always make me worry about you.

Jiji, I'm okay now.

Ms. Stela, Who asked you to work overtime. Can't you take care of yourself properly?

Mr. Kevin, What I  did is for company. Why are you raising your tone on me. As if I did a crime.

It's more than a crime. You don't know how much I was worried.

Why you have to worry about me? Ridiculous.

See, Mr. Kevin is worried about you. You have take care Stela. (With a naughty smile)

It's not like that. If something happens to employees due to work. My father has to take the blame. That's what I am worried about.

Jiji, Sara, Min, Stela:

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