The Weirdo On Maple Street

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    "Holy shit." Cate breathed.

Moving quickly, knowing the girl couldn't stay outside all night. The four kids and teenager decided to take her in. They needed some place to bring her. Lucas' and the Henderson's were no go's. No where to hide her. So, Mike's house was the obvious choice. They snuck the strange girl in through the basement doorway, letting her sit on the couch after wrapping her up in an old jacket.

    "Is there a number we can call for your parents?" Mike asked quickly as they all stood staring at her.

    "Where's your hair?" Dustin blurted out. " Do you have cancer?" Cate smacked the back of his head.

    "Dustin, you can't just ask someone that!" Cate hissed.

    "Did you run away?" Lucas asked curiously.

    "Are you in some kind of trouble?" Mike asked next.

    "Is that blood?" Lucas pointed out on her shirt. Literally pointing at her. Mike slapped his hand down.

    "Stop it! You're freaking her out!" He exclaimed.

    "She's freaking me out!" Lucas retorted.

    "I'll bet she's deaf." Dustin said. He clapped his hands at the poor girl making her her jump away. "Not deaf..."

    "Okay. Whoa. You're all overwhelming her." Cate sighed at all the boys after studying the young girl's face. She slowly moved closer to her and bent down to her level. "Hi there. Uh, we didn't really introduce ourselves before. I'm Cate, this is my brother Dustin. That's Mike. This is his house. And that's Lucas. We're not going to hurt you, okay? Are you hurt anywhere?" She asked curiously referring to the blood on her shirt.

The young girl seemed to relax slightly seeing that they didn't make her feel threatened and Cate seemed nice enough. She lightly shook her head no.

    "No? Okay, well that's good. Uh, I know I'm pretty cold and wet. I can imagine you are freezing. Mike? Grab her some spare clothes please." Cate turned and looked at the boys.

Mike walked across the basement to a fresh basket of clothes and started going through them. A loud rumble of thunder boomed through the air and the girl flinched. Her hand reaching out and grabbing Cate's hand that had rested gently on her knee. Cate gave her a small reassuring smile. Mike walked back over with some clothes and reached out towards her.

    "Here, these are clean. Okay?" Mike said handing her the clothes.

The girl took them and slowly brought them up to her face, rubbing them against her cheek. They all watched curiously to see what would happen next. The young girl let go of Cate's hand and they both stood up. Cate smiled at her and she shrugged the jacket off her tiny body. But her smile quickly faded away as she began trying to lift the long yellow shirt up to change in front of them all.

    "No!" Cate said quickly jumping in front of her. Shielding her from the boy's eye's and the boy's eye's from seeing any part of her.

    "No!" Mike shouted. He jumped forward as well grabbing her hands to hold them down.

    "Oh, my god! Oh, my god! Oh, my god!" Dustin repeated as he turned away covering his eyes.

    "No, no, no!" Lucas said quickly turning around to give her privacy.

    "Uh, Mike, maybe, you should show her to the bathroom." Cate pointed out.

    "Right. Uh, see over there?" Mike pointed behind them at the door in the back of the basement. "That's the b-bathroom. Privacy. Get it?" He asked softly.

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