The Demogorgan

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"I need to tell my brother." Cate stated as she stood to her feet. In the hall of the middle school.

"Maybe we shouldn't. They're gonna want to come." Jonathan disagreed shaking his head.

"I think he's right." Nancy said.

"I can't leave them here without saying something. They're my responsibility, always have been. Likely always will be. I'll be right back, just get the car started." Cate instructed them.

Cate ran inside and looked at the small group of kids sitting on the bleachers.

"Guys." Cate called out as she ran up to them.

"What's wrong?" Dustin asked expectantly.

"Nothing's wrong. It's just I wanted to tell you to stay here, okay. You should be safe here. Don't leave. We have to go somewhere and it'll be really quick." Cate assured them. But seeing their wide eye's assured her that they didn't like it.

"What? We want to go with you." Lucas said.

"Yeah, we're not staying here alone." Mike scoffed.

"Cate, what are you doing?" Dustin whispered.

"Listen, I'm in charge, okay? You do as I ask and I'm begging you to listen to me now. We won't be gone long and there's nothing for you to worry about. Mike, the most important thing is for you guys to protect Eleven, okay? You stay here where it's safe, stay hidden. Keep each other company. I love you guys and I will be back I promise." Cate state firmly.

They all sighed and Cate ran back for the door, not before hearing her name being called.

"Cate!" Dustin called out chasing after her. He tackled her waist wrapping his arms around her. She was surprised for a moment before she wrapped her arms around him. "I know you wouldn't go unless it was important. I just wanted to tell you to be safe and come back."

"I'll always come back to you, Dusty." Cate chuckled and ruffled his hat. "I love you, be good."

"I love you too."

Cate exited the building and jumped into the backseat of Jonathan's car. They broke into the Police Station, getting the box of tools from Hopper's office and then made it back to the Byer's home. The three teenagers looked at each other as they got into the house and got to work. Cate, Nancy and Jonathan began screwing in all the light bulbs back into the string lights so they'd know when the Demogorgan was there. Cate loaded her revolver and Nancy loaded Jonathan's. While Jonathan placed nails in the bat Nancy had brought.

He nailed the bear trap to the floor of the hallway, him and Cate setting it up carefully so not to accidentally lose a limb. While Nancy poured a line of gasoline across the floor. Cate drew a face on a old yo-yo that they set up as a trip wire to alert them when the Demogorgon was in the trap. Making it more noticeable if it moved. They were going to hide in Will's room. After everything was set up and they each grabbed a knife, standing  in a circle around each other going over the plan.

"Remember," Jonathan breathed.

"Straight to Will's room. And..." Cate relayed.

"Don't step on the trap." Nancy stated. "Wait for the yo-yo to move."

"Then." Jonathan held up the lighter in his hand, flicking it on and back off again. They all gulped and nodded at one another. "All right. You two ready?"

"Ready." Cate nodded with a determined look on her face, holding the knife to her left hand.

"Ready." Nancy agreed, readying herself.

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