The Mysterious Figure

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Cate sat in her room late that night unable to sleep. She'd just witnessed Will Byers body being pulled from the Quarry. Traumatizing could hardly cover the things she was feeling. She wanted, no, needed someone to talk to about what happened.

The phone rang and rang. She sighed about to give up and hang up when a voice appeared on the other end.


    "Steve." Cate whimpered.

    "Cate? Hey, hey, what's wrong?" He asked softly hearing her begin to cry.   
    "I-I can't do this. I need you. Will's gone, Steve. Gone gone." She began to cry harder.

    "Hold on. I'm coming over. Get ready to let me in your window." Steve said quickly and the line went dead.

Within 10 minutes Steve was knocking on her window. She crawled out of bed and opened it, letting him inside. Steve closed it for her as she scurried back to her bed, digging her face into her knees she pulled to her chest and began to cry again.

    "Shhh, hey. It's okay." Steve whispered quietly, climbing in next to her and wrapping an arm around her shoulder, pulling her close. "It's okay."

    "It's n-not okay... I saw them, Steve. I saw them pull him from the Quarry. His little body, cold, lifeless..." Cate sniffled and leaned her body into his.

Steve's eye's widened hearing this. He knew she was close to all her brother's friends, but it didn't make sense to him why she was weeping over the boy so harshly. But what she said, made it all make more sense. After everything that happened to her today. He didn't blame her for being so upset. Steve held her tightly, listening to her cry broke his heart in two. He just shushed her gently, holding her close until she cried herself to sleep in his arms. Something about the whole thing felt right to him. Even though it should have felt so wrong.

He was dating Nancy. Her best friend for heaven's sake. The girl he thought he could love and had just literally just met her parents tonight. He had just barely walked through the door after that meeting, nearing the last ring of the phone call before he answered and turned on his heels without a second thought. Cate needed him. He was enjoying her being there in his arms. He enjoyed comforting her. He was the one she called and there was nothing that could make him feel any happier. Steve leaned his head on top of hers and closed his eyes enjoying the moment.

Before they knew it, it was morning. Cate was confused as she stirred in her bed unable to move. But she was comfortably warm. She tried to move her leg only to feel someone else's entangled with hers. Her arm wrapped around a body and someone's body wrapped around her. Cate's eye's fluttered open as she laid there frozen. Eye's moving upward to see the one and only Steve Harrington, still in her bed. Sure, they'd had sleep over's before at his house. But she always slept in the guest room. He snuck in to her house and slept on a mattress on the floor that was tucked under her bed. Pulling it out whenever there was a sleep over. But here he was, in her bed and Cate didn't hate it.

That was until she really realized, Steve Harrington was in her bed. They were completely cuddle together and he was dating her best friend. That made her hate it. Sure, it was completely innocent. Just two best friends helping one through a difficult time. Yet, she suddenly felt like it was so much more than that. She quickly shook the feelings away and denied they even existed. It was just a momentary lapse in judgement, she told herself. Cate looked up at his peaceful face and he truly looked so content. His face was calm, eye's lightly shut, mouth slightly open and soft breaths coming from him. Cate's hand moved out from it's jailed space under his arm and she lightly traced his cheek, making him groan slightly. Which didn't help her heart in any manner.

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