The Bathtub

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Cate, Nancy and Jonathan were all brought into the Hawkins Police Station. Jonathan was handcuffed and made to sit waiting at one of the desk's, as Callahan tried to contact Joyce. Who happened to be with Chief Hopper. The three teens had gone over everything that had occurred leading to the fight, leaving out Upside Down details, with the officers. Nancy stood with Flo, as she grabbed an ice pack from the small kitchenette area in the station.

    "Do you think we'll be out of here soon?" Nancy asked curiously.

    "You two, yes. Him, no." Flo explained and she noticed the girl looked disheartened. "He assaulted a police officer."

    "Well, how long are you gonna keep him?" Nancy asked impatiently.

    "You and your boyfriend and friend have big plans, do you?" She asked giving her a pointed look.

    "He's not my boyfriend." Nancy stated, crossing her arms.

    "Well, maybe you should tell him that."

    "What?" Nancy asked confused.

    "Only love makes you that crazy, sweetheart." Flo sighed and handed Nancy the towel of ice. "And that damn stupid."

Cate had stayed sitting with Jonathan as Nancy went to get him some ice.

    "You like her don't you." Cate said softly with a smile, seeing Jonathan gazing after Nancy.

    "What? No, no." Jonathan shook his head. Cate gave him a unbelieving look and giggled. He gazed at her once more and sighed. "She's got Steve... But you like him, Steve, don't you?"

    "Absolutely not." Cate retorted quickly. Jonathan also gave her a look of disbelieve. She sighed. "He's got Nancy." She retorted back like he had.

    "Well, at least we can be lonely and unhappy together." He chuckled lightly, making Cate snicker and playfully push his shoulder.

She was glad she and Jonathan had become closer since all this, maybe she could even forgive him for taking her picture.

    "Hey." Nancy said after getting the ice and coming over with it. "I found some ice."

    "Thanks." Jonathan said softly.

They gave each other a look, before Nancy gestured to placing it on his head for him. Jonathan nodded, since he was still stuck in handcuffs. Nancy gently held the ice pack to Jonathan's face.

After waiting around for a little while, Joyce's green car came flying into the station parking lot. Joyce and Hopper came into the main lobby of the station together, where the three teenagers were waiting.

    "Hey! Jonathan? Jesus, what... What happened?" Joyce asked immediately after coming to the desk and seeing her son in handcuffs and his face.

    "Ma'am..." Callahan approached the desk from his own.

    "Why is he wearing handcuffs?" Joyce asked.

    "Well, your boy assaulted a police officer. That's why."

    "Take them off." Joyce demanded firmly.

    "I'm afraid I cannot do that." Officer Callahan sighed.

    "Take them off!"

    "You heard her. Take 'em off." Hopper backed her up as Joyce got angrier.

    "Chief," Officer Powell stepped forward. "I get everyone's emotional here, but there's something you need to see."

The three officers went outside and soon enough came back in. Hopper placed the box of surplus items on the table and all three kids looked up in surprise.

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