The Monster

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Jonathan Byers was running around through the forest in Hawkins. He had begun to get really worried. He had brought two girls out to the woods with him in search of his brother and quite possibly the thing that had taken him and Barbara Holland. He worried because Cate and Nancy didn't appear to leave a struggle of any kind behind in the woods. There was quite literally no sign of them. Only the screams he had heard that made his heart race. He moved around the forest looking and calling out for them. Trying not to go to far from where they had last been seen and where their stuff laid.

    "Cate!" Jonathan called out. His voice quivering nervously. "Nancy! ... Come on... Cate! Where are you?!"

In the Upside Down, Cate and Nancy raced through the trees, hearing Jonathan's calls for them. They were like echo's that filled the air. Both teenagers were absolutely terrified. The large sickly looking creature was still after them and they were both scared out of their minds, while trying not to lose one another.

    "Jonathan!" Cate screamed loudly after hearing her name echo around her. "Jonathan!"

    "Jonathan! Jonathan!" Nancy screamed desperately.

    "Jonathan, we are right here!" Cate cried out. Both her and Nancy nearly knocking into each other.

    "Cate?" Jonathan could have sworn he heard a low response from her. "Cate! Nancy!" He called out again.

    "Jonathan, where are you?!" Nancy yelled. "Jonathan!"

Cate noticed a large tree trunk they could both hide behind. It was better for the moment then running around like chickens with their heads cut off and getting no where. She grabbed Nancy's arm and pulled her towards the tree. Both girls leaning up against it panting heavily.

    "Jonathan, we are right here!" Cate called out again. "Where are you?!"

    "I'm right here!" Jonathan screamed hearing her faint echoed voice. "I'm right here, Cate! Nancy! Just follow my voice!"

His voice echoed to the girls. Follow his voice. They both looked at each other and began to move around again trying to find him.

    "Jonathan!" Cate yelled.

    "Follow my voice, Cate! I'm right here!" His voice echoed again.

    "Jonathan!" Nancy called out again as the echoing stopped.

    "Nancy!" Jonathan's voice echoed.

Cate and Nancy both turned towards the sound of his voice, only they didn't find him. They were met only a few feet away from the terrifying creature that was fully standing and growling at them. It's flowery face opened up roaring at them. They both let out small gasp like screams and booked it the other way.

Jonathan heard the sound and gasped himself, dashing after the echo.

    "Cate! Nancy!" Jonathan panted as he ran, calling out for them.

He managed to stop back at the tree they were missing from. He looked around him with his flashlight still not seeing any sign of the girls.

Nancy grabbed Cate's hand and pulled her behind another tree. The creatures snarling and bubbling sound echoing around them as they breathed heavily.

Jonathan looked down, noticing the strange hole at the bottom of the tree, with a light glowing on the other side of the squelching substance. It was like the tree had a heart beat...

The footsteps of the creature got even heavier and closer than before. A light growling, as it whistled slightly, walking right behind the tree they were hiding behind. Both Cate and Nancy holding their breaths praying not to be heard.    
    "Nancy? Cate?" Jonathan whispered, bending down to look at the hole in the tree. Shining his flashlight against the hole. "Cate! Nancy! Follow my voice!"

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