Invasion of Privacy

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    "Cate, oh, my god. You're not going to believe what happened today... Those aren't yours." Dustin frowned as he barged into her room just after hearing her get in. He pointed at the sweat pants that were obviously way to long for her.

    "Huh? Oh, yeah. They're not." Cate shrugged, grabbing some of her own pjs to change into.

Dustin moved closer towards her and sighed.

    "Are you drunk?" He asked curiously.

    "No." Cate scoffed.

    "Well, you at least had alcohol. I can smell it." Dustin crossed his arms across his chest.

    "What did you need, Dustin. I'd really like to go to sleep." She sighed.

    "Hold on." Dustin sighed and left the room.

She huffed and changed quickly into her pjs before sliding underneath her covers. Dustin knocked on the door again and walked inside with a glass of water and some pills.

    "To make sure you don't have a terrible hangover." He gave her the glass and pills, which she gratefully accepted.

    "Thanks, Dusty." Cate said quietly.

    "No problem." He gave his big sister a smile and sat on the edge of her bed. Grin growing bigger by the second. "El has super powers."

Cate nearly spat out the second gulp of water from her mouth.


Dustin spent at least the next hour explaining to his sister everything he had witnessed. How El shut Mike's bedroom door on them just by doing it with her mind. How she recognized Will in one of his pictures. That bad people are after her. Will was apparently hiding from something, and Dustin explained that she placed their Demogorgon D&D piece on the board, stating that's what he was hiding from. He even told her about what they were planning to do the next day. By going to the power lines to try and look for Will again with El showing them the way. And that they all agreed they wanted her to join them. Cate agreed without hesitation.

The next morning they got up early and Cate drove Dustin over to Mike's house. The two barreling down the stairs into the basement. El's face lit up at the sight of her as Cate stepped off the last step, before going back to playing with Mike's walkie talkie radio.   

    "Hi, El." Cate greeted her happily.

    "Hi." Eleven smiled up at her, before again going back to the radio.

    "Cate! Oh, good. I'm glad you're here." Mike said quickly.

    "Thanks. Sounds like I missed quite a bit yesterday." She pointed out and looked back at El.

    "Yeah. But it's okay, though. You'll get caught up. So, this is our plan. We are going to tell our parents that we are staying at the AV Club after school. That'll give us at least a few hours for Operation Mirkwood. I'm assuming Dustin explained." Mike asked.

    "Yeah, he did." She nodded.

    "You seriously think that the weirdo knows where Will is?" Lucas asked with doubt lacing his voice.

    "Just trust me on this, okay?" Mike huffed. "Did you get the supplies?"

    "Yeah." Lucas nodded and pulled out his backpack. "Binoculars... from 'Nam. Army knife... also from 'Nam. Hammer, camouflage bandana... and the wrist rocket." Lucas boasted excitedly.

    "Whoa, whoa. What the heck do you guys think we're fighting here?" Cate questioned after seeing Lucas collection of items.

    "Yeah, you think you're gonna take out the Demogorgon with a slingshot?" Dustin scoffed.

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