I; This is Berk.

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"This is Berk.."

A village under the cover of mist at night.

"It's twelve days north of hopeless and a few degrees south of freezing to death. It's located solidly on the meridian of misery."

Small waves crash against two viking statues holding torches.

"My village."

Theres a huge group of sheep scattered around the grassy land and houses near with torches and lights on every single one.  

"in a word; Sturdy, it's been here for seven generations but every single building is new. We have fishing, hunting and a charming view of the sunsets"

"...The only problem are the pests."

A sheep gets swiftly taken by claws, the sheep who witnessed it jumps in shock then calms down and goes to the now empty spot for more grass. 

"You see most places have mice or mosquitos we have"

Hiccup opens the door, revealing a red Monstrous Nightmare, then scrambles to figure out what to do once his presence gets known. The scrawny boy slams the door close with his back against it right as fire was about to burn him.


The Monstrous Nightmare swoops down setting a row of grass on fire while the sheep run for their dear lives though one unfortunately gets grabbed by non other than a Deadly Nadder. 

"Most people would leave" 

Right before take off a viking grabs ahold of the sheep and gets hoisted up in the air while another viking passes by on a Gronckle smacking it's head with a hammer repeatedly until he got thrown off.

"..Not us. We're vikings..We..Have stubbornness-issues."

Hiccup runs out the door then stops right before a viking comes crashing down in front of him then getting back up. The boy ducks under a log that two vikings are holding right before a guy crashes into it making the log fall.

"My names' Hiccup, great name I know..BUT it's not the worst."

Turning around to see what had happen a few people bump into him until he turns around continuing his path but not until a Gronckle spits out lava knocking him over.

"Parents believe a hideous name will frighten off gnomes and trolls-like our charming viking demeanor wouldn't do that." 

"UAhhhh!-Mornin' " A viking with a axe yells.

Hiccup runs around people avoiding bumping into any of them.

"What you doing here!?"

"Get inside!" 

"Get back inside!" 


Hiccup runs past a viking just chilling and picking his ear though just before a dragon came firing fire in front of him a fairly large man with a large beard came, picking him up by the back of his shirt.

"What is he doing out agai-what are you doing out!? Get back inside!" Stoick yelled, throwing Hiccup forward like he weighed nothing.

"Thats Stoick the Vast, Chief of the tribe."

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