V: Training Part 2

502 14 44

Start at 0:51

-- 2nd person; --

"Hey Toothless~" Hiccup called to the dragon. 

"We brought breakfast for you, I hope you're hungry." Hiccup told Toothless as he huffed, placing the basket full of the fish you'd guys had stolen from the boats. 

"Ok thats disgusting.." You commented walking around the fish along with Hiccup as Toothless went towards the pile of fish.

"We've got some salmon, some nice ice lantic cod-"  Hiccup listed off while carrying the new tail fin.

"-and a whole smoked eel." Toothless growled at 'eel', backing away as Hiccup crouched, picking the eel up my the end, showing it to Toothless making the dragon back up and screech. 

"No! No no no..it's ok!" He reassured throwing the eel to the side. 

"Yea..we don't really like eel much either." The boy said, wiping his hand on his jacket. 

"Yea..thats it..thats it..and don't you mind me, i'll just be back here.." He whispered going towards Toothless's tail as the dragon began eating the fish. 

Hiccup placed the tail fin on the ground, lining it up with tail and just as he was about to strap it on the tail moved. Scooting the tail closer the tail flung up.

"Hey! It's ok!" Hiccup muttered trying to pin the tail down but instead got scooted up as toothless launched his head in the basket for more fish.

Hiccup went up and sat on the tail, starting to strap the prosthetic on. While doing so the basket fell off of Toothless's head as there was a new feeling on he tail. The dragon squinted moving his tail, his wings dropping in disbelief as the new fin was on. 

Hiccup tightened the last strap on not noticing wings being expanded. Finishing the last of the pieces, sitting up straight admiring the workmanship. 

"Uh..Hiccup!" You tried warning but it was too late as the took off, flying across the pond.

"Hiccup!" You shouted at him, as he was now up in the air.

"I'm fine!" He shouted.

The two flew almost making it but starting going down about to crash. Hiccup opened the fin inches from the ground, making them fly up high. You watched jumping in excitement! 

"This is amazing!" Hiccup yelled to you even though you probably couldn't hear it over your own excitement. The boy turned the fin to the right making them do a U-turn and dive back to the pond gliding across it. 

Feeling extra weight on his tail, Toothless looked down to see Hiccup before he turned making the boy fall off and skip into the water like a skipping stone. Not too far behind the Night Fury also starting falling, you winced as they both hit the water. You run over towards the water, jumping in and swimming to Hiccup, Swimming with him back to shore. 

"Dear Thor, don't scare me like that.." You scolded, hugging him tight.

"I-I'll try n-not to.." The boy stuttered out, his face getting warmer as he wraps his arms around you. 


"Today tis about teamwork!" Gobber explains as fire blasts the cage doors open followed by smoke and gurgles. 

Astrid, Ruffnut and (Name) stuck together, Snotface and Tuffnut stuck together while Hiccup and Fishlegs stuck together. 

"Now a what dragon head can't light it's fire." Gobber speaks up as the arena fills with gas. 

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