IX: The Kill Ring

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All the vikings cheered Hiccup and (Name) around the arena's bars. Stoick the Vast made his appearance on stage in front of the crowd.

"Well I can show my face in public again." He joked and the vikings cheered more. The chief laughed a bit at his joke before raising his hand to the audience to silence them down.

"If somebody told me that in a few short weeks that Hiccup would go from well..being ah..Hiccup! To being first in dragon training!" His voice boomed through the crowd.

"Well I would've tied him to a mass and shipped him off for being gone mad!" Stoick boomed as the crowd starting cheering once more.

"And you know it!" The chief laughed then re-adjusted his helmet and the crowd quieted down.

"And (Name) I can't believe that the two, er...special vikings and inseparable friends of the village would manage to get top 2. (Name) even without her..well-parents, she's managed to come 2nd in training. But! Here we are..no ones more surprised or more proud than I am."  Stoick softly announced.

"Today, my boy and his best friend becomes vikings..today, they become one of us!" Stoick shouted, raising his hand proudly as the crowd starts cheering the two vikings names.


"Be careful with that dragon.." Astrid warned the two.

"It's not the dragon we're worried about.." Hiccup responded, looking at his dad as the chief made his way to his throne.

"What are you guys gonna do?" Astrid asked.

"Put an end to this." The boy responded, getting a worried face from the girl.

"We have to try.." (Name) added, facing the blonde haired girl.

"Astrid..if something goes wrong..just make sure they don't find Toothless." (Name) directed putting a hand on her shoulder in worry.

"I will." Astrid replied, giving the two a soft smile. 

"Just promise me it won't go wrong.." She added her face filling with a bit of concern.

"It's time (Name) and Hiccup." Gobber interrupted, 

"Knock'em dead." He added, signaling to the arena.

The two vikings turned around walking towards the arena as the crowd cheered their names. Hiccup inhaled and (Name) gave him a worried but reassuring smile. The boy put his helmet on his head while (Name) gripped her spear tightly as they entered the arena. Gobber then closed the gates once they were passed them. 

(Name) and Hiccup looked around the arena at all the vikings cheering, making their way to the weapon stand. Hiccup and (Name) picked up a shield from the stand and the boy got a dagger.

"Hmmm, I would've gone for the hammer." Stoick commented to Gobber.

The two took a deep breath and exhaled.

"We're ready." Hiccup announced.

The gate's log lifted and a flaming Monstrous Nightmare roared as it banged opened the gate doors. It then jumped on the side of the arena clawing fast around the perimeter and shooting a fire blast at the crowd and then walked on the chained ceiling of the arena, looking down at the two. 

Slowly it grumbled as it dropped down in front of the vikings as the specters leaned more closely watching with intent. 

"Come on Hiccup! Give it to him!" A viking shouted.

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