VI: The Test Flight

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The boats sailed back with slightly sour moody vikings. The mass was broken sideways with the sail torn up with burns marks, the hall had a chunk missing in the center with scorches tinting the sides.  

Once the burnt boat had docked, viking helped Stoick off, receiving a thank you pat.

"Heya, I trust ya found the nest at least." Gobber assured, hopeful.

"Not even close." Stoick snarled walking passed his friend and radiating anger.

"eh..excellent.." Gobber sighed, following the angered viking, no longer hopeful.

"I hope you had a little more success than me." The chief commented.

"Well by success you mean your parenting troubles are over with then.." Gobber replied, taking the basket from his friend.

"Yes." He finished stopping, Stoick turning to look at him with surprised.

"Congratulations Stoick!" A female viking shouted, congratulating him while more vikings followed behind.

"Everyone is so relieved!" She vented then left.

"Out with the old and in the with the new, am I right?" Another viking followed.

"No one will miss those nuisances" Another viking with buckets behind chirped then leaving.

"(Name) will finally have a good influence!" A female viking followed.

"The village needs to throw a party to celebrate!" The last viking suggested, cheering.

"He's gone?" Stoick asked in a hopeful-ish manner, looking at Gobber.

"Ehh..yea..most of the noons with (Name)." He started as they started walking.

"But who could blame him, I mean the life of a celebrity is very rough, he and (Name) can barely walk through the village without being swarmed by their new fans." He mentions

"Hiccup and (Name)?" Stoick voice cracked in disbelief.

"Who would've thought eh? They have this way with the beasts." Gobber comments, his eyes squinting recalling the memories. 


-- 2nd Person; --

You and Hiccup were taking a test flight on Toothless, gliding high across the sky.

"Ok there bud, we're gonna take this nice and slow and we have another person on here, we don't want them falling off." Hiccup told the Night Fury then looked at the position chart.

"Ok here we go..position 3!" He mutters as he looks at the chart

"No 4!" He looked down at the foot piece along with Toothles. and re-positioning his footing, opening the tail wider.

Lifting his head up and soaring the the sky, Toothless tilted sideways turning while you looked at the tail, giving Hiccup a thumbs up.

"Alright, it's go time." You informed Hiccup who then repositioned his sitting stance.

Toothless dived down towards the water, making you hold on tighter to Hiccup. 

"Come on buddy! Come on Buddy!" Hiccup shouted as the Night Fury dipped his wing the water, gliding across it and eventually going under an arched rock formations with seagulls flying under it.

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