XI: Coming Back Around.

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Hiccup lied still in his bed with a new scrape on his forehead along with a small one on his nose, right cheek and one on the left side on the jaw. 

Suddenly a black scaly head appeared in front of the boy with a gentle gaze. Snorting Toothless lifted his head making small cooing sounds along with some huffs. 

The dragon softly cooed at the boy, who's eyes faintly opened and fluttered a tad before Toothless cooed once more, then nuzzled his head onto Hiccups.

"Hey bud.." Hiccup softly greeted as the black dragon's head nudged him more.

"I'm happy to see you to bud." He said getting nudged by the head but not long before getting a paw/claw to the stomach and letting out a pained groan.

"Ah..what." The boy looked around the wooden area as realization started kicking in.

"I'm in my house..." His gaze then turning to the dragon who sat squirming playfully.

"uh, your in my house-!" Toothless then got up and jumped on the nearby pillar and jumping around the room in a 'I am here' manner while knocking over items in the process.

"Yea I know you're here-what, ok ok!" Landing right in front of the dumbfounded boy the Night Fury then jumped on top of a support beam.

"Toothless no- Toothless!" Hiccup piped up earning the overly-excited dragon's attention.

"Ah..come on.." The boy sighed and lifted his sheets only to be shocked at the sight.

Jumping down Toothless sat and cooed, tilting his head in wonder as his rider processed and let the new information sink in.

Slowly, Hiccup moved one leg over the bed and onto the floor then moved his other leg, revealing a prosthetic metal leg. Toothless lowered his head and sniffed the new prosthetic, inspecting it before lifting his head to meet Hiccup's, letting out a small snort in a 'what do you think?' manner and earning a slightly panicked huff from Hiccup.

Taking a deep breath, Hiccup shifted his weight and held onto the wooden frame of his bed and then took one step with the new leg and then with the other. Inhaling, the boy proceeding taking another step though only to lose his balance and get caught by Toothless. 

"Thanks bud." Hiccup thanked the dragon who then walked beside the boy to act as walking supporter.

Slowly the two made their way to the door, Hiccup letting go of the dragon pulled on the door handle and letting out a grunt while doing so. Opening the door he was greeted with a roar coming from a Monstrous Nightmare outside. The boy let out a panicked and terrified yelp as he quickly slammed the door shut with his back against it.

"Toothless..stay here.." Hiccup instructed the dragon, hesitantly opening the door.

"C'mon guys, get ready!" Snotlout yelled as The Monstrous Nightmare and him flew off with the other 3 riders and dragons following.

"What.?" was all that Hiccup could formulate as he looked, dumbfoundedly, at the sight that stood before him. 

Dragons were everywhere; a few Nadders rested on a house nearby, two Zibblebacks were eating fish from a huge goblet, Gronckles were flying happily in the air and some vikings were even walking with dragons in peace. 

"I knew it..I'm dead-" Hiccup blurted as a laugh could be heard coming closer.

"No, but you gave it your best shot." The chief laughed as he walked behind the boy, patting his shoulder reassuringly.

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