III; Dragon Training

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(Don't start music yet!)


3rd Person; 

Hiccup and (Name) opened the door to his house, seeing his dad sitting on a chair in front of the fire place. Seeing as he was busy with something and Hiccup not wanting to talk to him, he crept carefully motioning for (Name) to stay quiet, not wanting to disturb him. Both of them quickly going up the flight of stairs but only making it halfway.

"Hiccup." Stoick head rose.

"Dad! uh.." 

"I need to talk to you dad.." He says in defeat as his father rose from his chair.

"I need to speak with you son." The Chief, now in front of him

"I'll give you two some privacy, I have to go home anyways." (Name) interrupted, earning a nod from Stoick.

"Bye Hiccup cya tomorrow!" She chirped, opening the door and shutting it.

"Bye (Name)." He waved then turning to his father.

Stoick inhaled.

"I think it's time for you to learn to fight dragons."
"I think it's time I don't want to fight dragons." Hiccup says in sync with his dad.


"You go first." Stoick said, receiving a weary 'no, you go first' from Hiccup.

"Alright" He sighed,

"You get your wish, dragon training, and you start in the morning." He said, putting his hands on his waist.

"Oh man! I should've gone first." Hiccup said in regret.

"Because..I was thinking..y'know! We have a ser-plus of dragon fighting vikings..but do we have enough..." The boy paused for a second to find a word,

"Bread making vikings? Or small home repair v-"

"You'll need this," Stoick said cutting him off then giving him a sharp axe.

"I don't want to fight dragons.." Hiccup announced weakly, earning a small laugh from is dad.

"Come on, yes you do." He chuckled, turning around towards the fire place once again.

"Rephrase. Dad, I can't kill dragons!" The boy rephrased, getting down from the stairs.

"But you will kill dragons!" His dad said, turning around to face him then back.

"No, i'm really, very, extra sure, that I wont." His son argued.

"It's time Hiccup." Stoick said sternly, turning around meeting his son's gaze.

"Can you not hear me?" Hiccup questioned, his voice rising a bit.

"This. Is serious, son." Stoick claimed, picking up the axe from Hiccup's hold.

"When you carry this axe, you carry all of us with you." Gesturing to the axe then placing it back in his son's grasp.

"Which means, you'll walk like us, you'll talk like us, you'll think like us." He emphasized the key points. 

"No more.." Gesturing to all of Hiccup.


"You just gestured to all of me." Hiccup, rolled his eyes. 


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