VII: "Romantic" Flight

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Astrid sprinted away from the cove, threatening to tell the others at Berk before suddenly getting picked up off the ground.

"OH GREAT ODINS NO!" She huffed out while looking down at the distant ground as she screamed and held on tightly at what was carrying her.

Toothless and Hiccup flew to a nearby tree, dropping Astrid on a branch and landing on the top of the tree making it tilt and her dangling.

"Hiccup! Get me down from here!" Astrid screamed out while handing on to the branch for her life.

"You have to give mea chance to explain." Hiccup argued with her,

"I am NOT listening to ANYTHING you have to say!" She argued back, making her way to the center of the tree. 

"Then I won't speak." He reasoned making the girl stop to listen.

"just let me show you." finishing the girl thought, looking down then back up.

"Please Astrid.." He pleaded. Thee blonde then lifted herself on the branch as Hiccup held his hand out for her to take as she got on top of the branch about to get on the dragon lowly growled at her before she slapped the boy's offer, then got settled on dragon.

"Now get me down." Astrid demanded as she looked down at the ground.

"Toothless..down, gently." He told the dragon, patting his head before Toothless opened his wings ready to take off.

"See nothing to be afraid of." Hiccup reassured the girl as Toothless made a 'oh, i'll give her gentle alright..' face before taking off sky rocket high as the two screamed.

"Toothless! What is wrong with you!" Hiccup asked as the dragon went higher and Astrid slowly fell backwards.

"Bad dragon!" He scolded while Astrid grabbed onto him, steadying herself.

"Ha..he-hes not usually like this." He informed as the dragon turned upside down, falling as the female viking started screaming.

Toothless dived down and plummeted in the water then diving back up before diving in once more.

"Toothless what are you doing? We need her to like us!" Hiccup asked as the dragon plummeted in the water again. Flying back up he flew up high in the sky.

"And now hes spinning.." The viking said tiredly as Toothless began doing multiple barrel rolls making the blonde viking hold on tighter.

"Thank you for nothing, you useless reptile.." Hiccup sarcastically thanked the dragon who flew down and started spinning like a beach ball-out of control. 

"Ok, ok, i'm sorry, just get me off of this thing!" Astrid apologized as Toothless heard her, flying normal again as an apology accepted. 

(Haha, this is the part that you've all probably haven't been waiting for.- Author)

The sun started setting, making the sky a mix of warm pastels. Toothless glided through the air upwards into the clouds as Astrid lifted her head, opening her eyes and looked around at the scene around them taking in the breath taking scene. Toothless flew lightly and gently in the pastel clouds as the girl raised her hand up to them amazed. 

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