X: Battling Death.

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Wooden gates opened, revealing multiple vikings guiding a dragon like carrier that had foods such as apples, potatoes, and sacks of all sorts, down to a long, wide, wooden ramp.

Down on the wooden ramps were more vikings with more dragon like carriers that headed towards the ships, some already started to depart. One of the vikings, who was still on the dock, gave another on the ship weapons who then threw them on another side of the ship. 

A viking pulled on one end of the rope while the another pulled the other end which held down the muzzled and chained Night Fury more, then two more men appeared, clamping a wooden chocker that was chained down, on the neck of the dragon. 

Gothi and 2 other kids watched from the wooden ramp, Gothi pulling the little boy closer to her.

Toothless's banged his head around, trying to pry off the chains and neck holder that restrained him. A viking pulled down a lever sending the dragon's platform moving to a ship as Hiccup and (Name) watch from afar on the wooden ramp, guilt and sadness in their eyes. 

They watched Toothless roar as he was set down on a boat with Stoick upon it.

"Set sail! We head for Hell Hinds gate." The chief ordered, his eyes landing to his son and (soon to be daughter in law/jk..maybe) his best friend as the ships departed, setting sail.

Turning around, he walked up to the front of the boat but not before giving Toothless a glance.

"Lead us home..Devil.." He whispered to the dragon, who returned a low snort. 

Hiccup and (Name) watched as the ships set sail for the nest until they were all out of sight and only seagulls could be heard. Astrid walked up next to (Name) looking at where the ships once were. 

"Its a mess." Astrid spoke, breaking the silence between the three.

"You guys must feel horrible." She said bluntly.

"You've lost everything. Your father, your tribe, your best friend.." The blonde continued as the two felt more weight on their shoulders, mostly Hiccup.

"Thank you for summing that up." Hiccup sarcastically replied as silence washed over them once more.

"Why couldn't I have killed that dragon when we found them in the woods.." Hiccup asked himself.

"Would've it been better for everyone." He asked.

"Yep. The rest of us would've done it." Astrid quickly replied. 

"So why didn't you.." She asked, turning her head to Hiccup, getting no response.

"Why didn't you?" She asked once more, her eyebrows furrowing.

"I don't know.." Hiccup shrugged.

"I couldn't." He turned to the side.

"Thats not an answer." Astrid protested.

"Why!-is this so important to you all of the sudden." Hiccup asked getting irritated.

"Because I wanna remember what you say. Right now." She replied, seriousness in laced in her words. 

"Oh for the love of-! I-..I was a coward, I was weak. I wouldn't kill a dragon." The boy responded facing the blonde girl, irritated.

"You said wouldn't that time." She remarked.

"Oh whatever! I wouldn't!...300 years and i'm the first viking who wouldn't kill a dragon." Hiccup answered, looking at Astrid who looked back. Silence fell on the three as Hiccup looked away.

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