The Start

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I'm also posting this on AO3 because I kind of don't want to post this fanfiction here due to the stuff that it'll contain, mainly the big age gap part. My name on AO3 is Darkness4561 Incase I stop posting this here.

Your agent name is Alli, you were the youngest in the protocol and got along with all the agents, even the introverted ones. You were able to match a person's energy so if you were around someone like Omen or Fade you would be calm and quiet but able to keep a smooth conversation going. If you were around Neon or Raze you would shift to loud and rambunctious. But on your own you were quite interesting, always thinking random silly things or even extremely inappropriate things.

Even though you were young, you were one of the best agents on the protocol. You worked hard to be on top and one of the best, always pushing yourself. There were multiple reasons why you did but the main one is wanting to impress a certain someone who has interested you since day one. This someone being the famous information broker, Cypher.

You've always looked up to him. He's an extremely intelligent agent and knows how to get his way. He knows so much and if he doesn't know something he'll make it his job to find out, which won't be hard for him at all. He's also a really good shot with the sniper and has always had your back from afar. He's saved your back a couple of times and so have you with him. Sure it's normal to have your teammates back but you were always extra careful with him, making sure that there was no one near when you would leave him.

Maybe you were a little obsessed? You would always want to know what his status was to make sure he was safe and always made sure to know where he was positioned. When you were at base and he wasn't on a mission and out of his workshop, you'd sketch him. You would sit far from him as you would sketch his amazing body without him noticing.

You always try your best to hide it and not be obvious. It's pretty easy to hide your gaze because of the hood you wore. It may not look like it but your hood has some tech in it made by killjoy. From the inside where your eyes lie you can see through perfectly but from the outside it looks like a plain old black hoodie with ears that cover your eyes. You had killjoy make that part for you when you made a deal with her to be her test guinea pig with some of her random gadgets. There's also an option where you can take photos and upload it to your phone so if Cypher leaves and you haven't finished the sketch you can just look back at the photo.

Cypher was a mysterious man that interested you, you wanted to find out all his secrets, to see what he hid under that mask. You chat with him at times but the conversations never last long from how nervous you get, though you have gotten better and better with chatting with him. Your conversations last longer and longer each time and you can't help but feel proud of yourself.

Hopefully once you're 18 in a week, you can finally try making moves on him. You would now but he probably wouldn't feel comfortable since you're underage, heck he'll probably still be uncomfortable with you when you're 18 but you're willing to take the shot when you can.


Right now you're in a jet heading home from a mission with your best friend Neon.

"Soooooo, how's it going miss stalker" Neon blurts out to make conversation with you

"I'm not a stalker! I just admire him, that's all" you nudge her playfully

"Sureeee, cuz the sketch book full of sketches of him doesn't shout "stalker" at all, for heck sake [y/n], you got that thing made by killjoy so you could look at him without him noticing. I'm pretty sure that yells stalker"

You blush from embarrassment and pull your hood down more onto your face to hide yourself "your so mean Neon"

She laughs and pats you on the back "hey as long as it's not affecting anyone it's not that bad. I just hope he opens his heart when you start trying to go after him"

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