Birthday Special [Final Chapter]

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[ just like really loving sex]

It's the day of your birthday and Cypher forcefully cancelled your mission. He assigned it to Yoru and of course Phoenix followed to replace Cypher that was in the mission as well.

You are currently helping clean up the mess you, Neon and Raze made in the halls. Raze wondered how much could she overload her boom bot so she asked Neon to put as much energy into as she but not enough to fry it. At the same time Raze thought it was a bright idea to put glitter in it. You just were curious if the speed of it would increase. And your hypothesis was right, it did go faster, a lot faster. With how fast the boom bot was going It broke through where it was contained. One thing led to another and now you were busy cleaning up the halls murdered with glitter.

After a long time of cleaning (cuz cleaning up glitter is a pain) you all got a lecture from brimstone. After he was done he gave a long sigh but smiled.

"Why don't we all head to common area" brimstone says

You start to speak "Actually I was planning on going to my roo-" Neon cuts you off

"Nope! We are going! I didn't clean up glitter for nothing!" Neon shouts

And so both Neon and Raze dragged you to the common area with brimstone following behind.

Once you got there your eyes widened in surprise and you looked around everywhere. Everyone was there and shouted happy birthday at you. There were balloons and a big happy birthday banner hanging. In the back there was a bar, there were speakers for the music, there was even amazing smelling food on one of the tables set up. They set up a little party for your birthday and used Raze and Neon to keep you distracted till they were ready.

"Happy birthday kiddo, sadly you're still not legally allowed to drink but I promise there's amazing food made by Sage and Reyna" brimstone chuckled and left to go sit by Breach at the bar. You were having a lot of fun and enjoying your time with everyone even though you were quite embarrassed to dance in front of everyone but you still were having a blast. The food was also amazing and of course Reyna passed you a couple drinks with alcohol but nothing strong.

When you spotted Cypher chatting with Omen you immediately made your way over butting yourself into their conversation. Cypher just laughed as Omen grumbled. Omen left right after saying happy birthday to you which left you and Cypher. It was getting late and the both of you decided it was time to stop partying. Well just for you since Cypher was only ever in the background observing or talking to a single person.

He offered for you to stay in his room and chat over some tea till you got tired and you accepted. You got into his room  and saw how big it was, it had its own kitchen and living room.

"So unfair! You have an entire apartment in here!" You say jokingly. Of course he had such good arrangements. He was here since the beginning of Valorant.

He chuckled and took a seat onto the couch, patting the spot next to him basically telling you to take a seat and so you do. You sink into it, relaxing.

"It's so soft and comfortable" you smile and let out a huff of comfort.

Cypher leans and closer to you and caresses your cheek "oh my sweet rose, happy birthday"

You blush "t-thank you amir"

He gently grabs your hand, placing it on his mask "Want to see my face my little rose?"

You face lights up and you nod. He lifts up his mask and takes it off completely. You bring your hand up and ruffle his flattened down hair.

"You look amazing Ami-" he cuts you off by kissing you. It starts off slow and soon gets as if you both were starved. Running your hands all over him and he doing the same. Hungry for each other. One thing led to another and you were both in his bed completely naked.

"My precious Rose" Cypher caresses your cheek and then kisses it "are you sure this is something you want to do?"

You immediately nod "yes! Of course, I need you Amir. I've been waiting for this moment for so long..please" you look at him with loving eyes and he just smiles at you and kisses your neck softly. He trails his hands down your body and slowly massages your thighs. Then he brings his hand closer and closer to your slit, massaging it gently. He then pushes your legs apart, observing how wet you already are.

He kisses you again, praising you. "Good girl [y/n], such a good girl."

You blush and moan as he rubs his fingers against your entrance. After he gets his fingers wet he slowly pushes one finger in. After you got used to it he added another. You were craving him so bad, just wanted his cock inside you. "A-Amir, I'm ready... please.."

He shakes his head "My dear I don't want to hurt you"

You plead with him "Amir please, I'll be okay. If it's to much for me then I'll tell you, I know you'd never hurt me" you give him a soft smile and with that he kisses you and pulls his fingers out.

He coats his dick with your slick and rubs the tip against your entrance. He takes your hand in his and wraps his fingers with yours. He then slowly pushes in, the feeling is so filling and new. It hurts but at the same time you just want it so badly, lust and love covering most of the pain.

He stops half way and ask if you are alright to which you say yes telling him to continue. Cypher kisses you and tells you that you are doing great. He continues to push in and in a few seconds he was fully in.

You felt so, full. You needed him to move and that's what happened after you told him that you were okay once more.

"My rose" he groaned in your ear making you shiver "you are mine my dear" he kisses you once more "I'm yours too my rose, no one will take me away from you"

You smile and moan as you kiss him "I love you Amir"

"I love you too [y/n]" he groans and as he sees you getting used to the size and enjoying it he speeds up

"My sweet and delicate flower, I will protect you till my life ends, I love you so much" he continues to moan as he fucks his cock into you.

You never knew how expressive Cypher could be with his love but hearing everything he had to say made your heart melt and body shutter.

He rubs your clit and then goes to kiss you "would you like me to be a bit rough?" He asks and you nod your head.

He takes the hand that was embracing yours and pulls on your hair. You moan at the feeling and a shiver goes through your body

"My slutty little princess, you're mine" he tightens his grip on your hair "right?" He asks

"Y-yes, I'm yours...f-fuck, I'm all yours" you moan, barely able to form words

You love how gentle and soft he can be just fuck do you love how rough and dominant this man can be.

You start to feel yourself getting closer to the edge and you can't help but tighten around him making him grown loud and hard. Hearing him made you shiver.

"My rose- ah..!" He pulls you into a kiss and a second later you end up cuming on his cock causing him to also reach his end, finishing deep inside you. You moan as you're holding him close.

After you both calm down after your highs he takes care of you and cleans you up. Changing the sheets, taking you a bath. Getting you all comfortable.

When all was said and done you both laid in bed facing each other. You couldn't help but stare at him, he was so handsome, such a pretty face. You caressed it and kisses him on his cheek almost every two minutes.

"I love you [y/n]" he says softly and the way your name rolls off this tongue makes you smile and blush.

"I love you too Amir" you play with his hair "best birthday ever" you giggle and he chuckles as well

The end.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 20, 2023 ⏰

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