A bit of jealousy

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You open your eyes and wonder if last night was a dream but when you look to your side you see the cup of water he gave you last night and all of a sudden your face heats up. You hide yourself under your sheets and hug your pillow as your heart is racing. You clench your chest and smile (("does cypher have feelings for me? He does, right? He has too")) you thought to yourself 

You get up and get ready for the day. As you're changing you hear a click sound and you look around to see where the sound came from. You find what the sound came from and you just stare at it for a few seconds. The camera turns and looks at you. You blush and hide your chest since you didn't have a bra or shirt on yet because you were in the middle of changing. You completely forgot that Cypher mentioned he has a camera in your room last night. 

The camera then moves and points to your mirror, you turn your attention to your mirror and you examine yourself. You have hickeys and bite marks on your neck and some on your inner thighs. You glide your hand over them and smile as you look up at the camera. There's no other person you would want to be marked by and so you just smiled bright and finished getting changed. You hid the marks that could be seen with makeup and as you're about to leave your room you grab your hoodie and put it on, pulling your hood on. 

You leave your room and head to the common area where some of the agents are relaxing and chatting with each other. Phoenix and Yoru were there but of course bickering with each other and then there were the girls, Raze, Jett, Neon, Killjoy and surprisingly Fade. They were chatting about who would look good with who and if they expected anyone to have a crush on someone. You sat down next to them and listened but then Fade turned to you and gave you a sly smirk. 

"What about Cypher? Who would he look good with?" Fade asked. Killjoy, Raze and Jett thought about it while Neon just looked at you with a worried expression. She knew that the thought of Cypher with someone else made you quite jealous. 

"How about sage! She's so soft and caring, that guy needs some of that from the stuff he probably went through" raze states and Jett just nods in agreement

"Really? To be honest I think that Fade would kinda be a good match because she does things like blackmailing people and she knows information that nobody else knows like Cypher and plus they are both mysterious, they would be like a mysterious couple knowing information about everyone" killjoy says and then looks at fade "what do you say to that?" 

Fade nods "I can kind of agree to that, maybe I should look more into that man" she then turns her attention to you "what do you think Alli? Am I a good fit for that information broker?" She chuckles 

"I'm pretty sure the kid doesn't really have an eye to seeing those type of things yet" killjoy states and you just glare at her 

"I'm very certain I can spot when somebody is good for someone or not" you turn your attention to fade "and no I don't think your a good fit for him, you're to full of secrets and he likes to know all information" 

"Exactly! That's how their story could start out, him wanting to know all the things she's hiding but then slowly falling for her!" Killjoy butts in, Raze and Jett giggle 

"That's such a fairytale thing Killjoy, Sage is way more of a better fit" Raze says as Jett agrees with her once more 

You can't help but give Fade a death stare under your hood even if she can't see it but you feel that she already knows how angry you are. You get up and slide your hands into your pockets as you give them a fake smile and tell them you need to go and do something. Neon looks at you and nods and tells you to text her whenever you can. The others say goodbye and Fade just waves at you with a devilish smile.

As you're walking through the halls you hear the familiar sound of a camera, you look up at it as you're walking and realize it's tracking you. The cameras in the halls usually just stay still unless they're being controlled. You stop and think for a second as you then make the decision to turn around and head to the information brokers workshop. 

As you get to the door you hear it unlock, you open it and head in. You spot Cypher at his workbench fixing one of his cameras. You lock and close the door behind you as you walk up to him a bit.   

Cypher puts down what he's working on and turns his attention to you "what do you need dear" 

You paw the ground with your foot as you still have your hands in your pocket "nothing really, just wanted to come by" you say and he just looks at you and chuckles 

He stands up and looks to the door just to double check that it's locked and once he's done he walks up to you and takes your hands out of your pockets. Your fists are clenched from how irritated you are but that soon is replaced with something else when Cypher pulls down your hood and caresses your cheek. 

Your hands loosen up and you lean into his touch with a smile on your face. He chuckles and caresses your hand with his free one. "No need to be jealous little rose, though it is cute to see" he takes his hand that's on your cheek and glides his fingers along on the hidden marks on your neck "remember that you have these little one, your the one who's mine, no one else" he hums and runs his fingers through your hair "that's what you want right" 

You blush and nod "y-yes!" 

"Good, now I need to work, would you like to stay and help keep me on track?" 

You nod "how can I help with that?" You ask and he guides you to his workbench. He sits down and pats his lap signaling you to sit down. You take a seat on his lap facing him. "h-how exactly is this helping?"

"Simple my dear, I will not allow myself to enjoy what's Infront of me till I finish my work so just sit there and look pretty for me habibti" 

You nod and he gets to work. While he was doing so you noticed that when you moved a bit he would pause for a second and his breathing would hitch. You thought it would be fun to play with him a bit so you did it a few times on purpose making it seem like you were just trying to get more comfortable. You feel him get hard underneath you and you can't help but blush. A few minutes pass and Cypher sets down what he was working on. 

"Finished, now then" he pulls you by the hair and makes you look at him "your such a fucking little tease" 

A shiver goes down your body and you clear your throat "I don't know what your talking about" 

"Don't play dumb with me habibti" he pulls his mask half way up and kisses you hungrly, pushing his tongue into your mouth as he explores every inch of it

You let out a little moan that vibrates in the kiss. When he pulls away from the kiss there's a string of saliva that he wipes away. 

"Now take responsibility for what you did" he kisses you again as he's pulling you by the hair 

[Next chapter will be a nsfw one]

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