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[Warning, nsfw chapter] daddy kink, and degrading, just overall down bad

You immediately sit up in your bed and try to control your heavy breathing

"Nightmare..just a nightmare.."

It takes awhile for you to get yourself under control but you get there at some point. Once you've calmed down you look over to your digital clock on your nightstand and it reads 2:55am. You sigh and get up as you head to the common area to relax a little.

As expected everyone is sleeping unless they're in their rooms doing god knows what. You lazily throw yourself on the couch and let out a loud groan that's muffled by your face being on the couch. You rest your eyes a little as you listen to the sound on the fire crackling in the fireplace. You rest your eyes for more than you wanted and you fall asleep on the couch.


You open your eyes and you feel the surface you're laying on slightly moving. You open your eyes and what you're greeted with is the man you are slightly (very) obsessed over. Since you often had dreams of the Moroccan man you didn't find this unusual and thought immediately that this was just another dream.

You feel his hand gently caressing your back and you can't help but blush

"Ah…best dream ever..feels so real" you let out a happy little sigh and nuzzle your face in his chest

Cypher chuckles as he then sits up with you on his lap. He lifts your chin up to make you face him.
"You dream of me often, don't you little one"

You nod your head and smile softly as he moves the hand that was lifting your chin onto your cheek. "How cute" he runs his fingers through your hair with his other hand. You sit there enjoying his gentle touch as he continues to play with your hair.

After a while he stands up and lifts you up as well "Let's get you to your room shall we?" You nod and you just wrap your arms around his neck as he carries you to your room.

Once you get to the door you unlock the door with your fingerprint. Once inside he places you on your bed. When he places you down he doesn't back away. He stays there for a while, just observing you. Cypher was on top of you and you could feel him just eyeing your body from top to bottom.

"Is something wrong…?" You ask and he shakes his head no

"You just look so…. wonderful my dear…that is all" he lightly brushes his hand on your thigh as he backs away and stands up. The touch made you shiver and let out a shaky breath. He seemed to let out a small laugh from your reaction and you couldn't help but feel embarrassed.

"I should get going, try not to fall asleep on the couch again since it was quite the hassle to move you. I had you in my arms but you kept moving in your sleep causing me to lose my balance and fall back while picking you up."

Your face goes completely red and you just turn your head in embarrassment "yeah..I probably won't again, thanks for taking me to my room, see you later Cypher"

No other words were shared and once you hear your door close you let out a hefty sigh and bury your face into your pillow. You sulk in your embarrassment from thinking you were dreaming that entire time. After a few minutes you calm yourself down and turn yourself around and stare at the ceiling. You trace your hand along where Cypher lightly brushed his hand. (("Did he do that by mistake or did he do that intentionally…")) you thought

You sighed and just layed in bed with your hand on that spot. God, you just wanted him to touch you again like that. You craved the mysterious information broker and all that he could offer but sadly that wasn't gonna happen. You adjusted yourself and started to glide your hand all over your body, imagining that it was his instead of yours.

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