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You wake up and do your daily routine and once you're dressed and ready you grab your sketchbook and pencil as you then head out. 

It's currently 10am and most of the agents are awake, some still sleeping due to them coming back late from a mission. You head to the common area and sit on the couch. You're greeted by Yoru and Phoenix arguing with each other.

"Good morning you married couple" you relax on the couch looking at them as you get ready to sketch. They both look at you with flustered expressions.

"Urusendayo (shut up), I would never even consider being with this idiot" Yoru says as he rolls his eyes and crosses his arms 

"Oh don't be like that, I've seen how you look at him and worry for him" you say as you start sketching the two in their embarrassed states

"You worry about me bruv?" Phoenix blushes even more as he looks at Yoru 

Yoru turns his face away in embarrassment "I-it's normal to worry about your teammates so don't think your special" 

You scoff as you continue sketching them (("Yoru is such a damn tsundere with Phoenix")) you think

They continue to "argue" as you just sketch them and once you finish you hear a familiar sound of someone running through the hallways. Before you know it Neon has thrown herself onto the couch you're sitting on. 

"Good morning miss stalker~" 

You bonk her on the forehead with your pencil and she winces "don't call me that" 

"Yeah, yeah, what did you sketch this time?" She asks

You roll your eyes at her and pass her the sketchbook. As she's observing it she looks up at Yoru and Phoenix a few times. She gives you a thumbs up and hands you back the sketch book. 

"Their expressions are on point, I swear you're just getting better and better"

You smile "thanks Neon"

She smirks "No problem miss stalker" 

"Ugh, asshole" you bonk her on the forehead again with your pencil and she just laughs 

"I'm surprised you're not around him right now, you know he's in the shooting range right?" 

You perk up and close your sketchbook "really? I've never seen him in the shooting range before" 

"Yep, he's with Chamber right now though, the two are competing and seeing who's a better shot with an operator, of course Chamber is using his tour de force" 

You shake your head "Cypher would never do something silly like that unless someone challenges him to a game of chess"

"Whatever you say but that's what it definitely looked like, go check it out for yourself, not like you weren't going if I didn't tell you to though" 

You playfully nudge her and get up "cya later Neon" 

She nods and starts talking to Phoenix and Yoru as you head off to the shooting range

Once you make it there you don't enter at first and just look in through the window. You spot Chamber and Cypher chatting and it was all normal at first till Chamber took a step closer to the information broker. The french man placed his hand on Cyphers shoulder and just as you were about to move from the window and rush in, Cypher immediately pushed Chambers hand off his shoulder. 

You eased up once you saw that and headed into the shooting range. Both men looked at you and you waved at them. 

"What's going on here?" You ask as you eye Chamber down

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