Seems Like Forever

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An alarm goes off scaring you awake. You immediately sit up and look around spotting Neon holding her phone up laughing.

You groan and throw yourself back into the comfort of your sheets. You don't know why but it feels like you've been sleeping for months so you're whole body was lazy.

You grumble "so the point of waking me up was???"

"I'm boredddddd" Neon says as she then throws herself on you "lets do somethingggg"

"You're going to end up suffocating me before we end up doing something" you push her off as she giggles "have anything planned?" You ask

"Mm, nope but we do have a mission in like 5 hours" Neon says as she stands up "maybe we should practice a bit before heading out?"

You also stand up and start to get ready, heading to the bathroom as Neon follows. You and Neon have been close friends since day 1 of you being here at Valorant so chatting while you were showering wasn't weird.

As you were showering Neon was talking all about how Jett has been extra flirty with her and touchy. You could just hear how flustered Neon was in her voice. After you finished your morning routine you and Neon walked to the kitchen finding Jett and Sage chatting. Sage is cooking while Jett is sat down at the counter in the center of the kitchen.

You all greet each other as Neon sits next to Jett and you go to help Sage cook. Breakfast is served and the four of you enjoy the meal. Right as Sage is done she makes a tea, one that you smell often and one that you only smell when a certain agent is drinking it.

"I'll be right back, I have to bring this to Cypher" Sage says with a soft smile as she walks away with a small plate with the cup of tea on it.

You nod as the other two say that they'll see her in a few. Around 30 minutes have passed you start to overthink things. (("Surely it doesn't take that long to deliver tea to someone")) you think.

You get up and say goodbye to the two saying you want to go practice in the range but from the look you and Neon shared she knew what exactly what was happening with you. You were getting strange ideas on what was taking Sage so long and it was making you jealous. You don't even remember making it to the door of Cyphers workshop from your mind being will with a million thoughts.

You quietly open the door and use your ability to suppress your footsteps. As you open the door you hear both Sage and Cypher talking as she's behind him massaging his shoulders. You stand there watching as her hands are travel around his shoulders, arms and neck. It's just a massage you tell yourself but your still getting filled with an immense amount of jealousy. You enter the workshop but still hold the door but then you see Sage lean forward basically having her chest against him you let the door go which caused Sage to flinch and back away. Cypher doesn't have a reaction and just continues to type something on a laptop.

"Ah! You scared me Alli, didn't hear yo-" You interrupt her "I need to speak with Cypher about something, do you mind?"

She hears the irritation and anger in your voice "If there's anything you'd like to speak about regarding your emotions my dear you can come to me" Sage says as she thinks the reason you why you want to speak with Cypher is to vent about what is bothering you

You nod trying to still be somewhat respectful to Sage things she's never really done anything wrong to you. "Thank you but I really need to talk to Cypher, if I ever need I will go to you with my troubles" you say and she just gives you a soft smile.

"Take care now" Sage says as she then walks out of the workshop. You hear the door close and right as it does Cypher speaks.

"What an entrance my rose, though I'm going to be honest, I expected something to break"

You're hands are in a fist "you expect me to come here?"

"Of course, it makes sense, you do get jealous quite easily and remember my dear I have eyes everywhere. I knew you were in the kitchen and I already guessed you'd grow impatient from how long Sage was taking so I thought, why not make an interesting scene. I was very curious on how you would react but I am sorry, she did get quite close. I forgot that the healer had some sort of feelings for me at some point."

You want to punch him but you could never hurt him. You let out a sigh and as you do he stands up from his chair to hug you. "I'm sorry dear, I'll make it up to you with whatever you want. Does that sound fair?"

You nuzzle his chest and mumble a little yeah "and only asking me for massages...seeing someone else touch you like that...angers me.."

He chuckles "of course [y/n] I'll only ever ask you my rose. Now then, aren't you supposed to be preparing for a mission you have today?"

You groan in annoyance, you don't want to go but what choice do you have in the matter. "Yeah I do, you know whos going on it?"

He takes a second to think "well you and Neon, Omen, Skye and..ah" his tone changes a bit "the french rich man Chamber but I'll try to change things up a bit before then"

You look at him and tilt your head "what do you mean by that?"

"You'll see my rose, now go get ready. I'll see you soon" He lifts his mask enough to kiss you on the forehead "take care my precious"

You smile and drag him down my his coat, kissing him on the lips "will do" you back away and head towards the door quickly so he doesn't notice the blushing mess you are.

"Getting bold my shy flower, I like it" he pulls down his mask and goes back to working on his laptop and you leave back to the kitchen where Neon is.

After meeting back with Neon you both practice in the range before the mission having little chats about random things to the people they are both crushing on. Time passed and it was already time for the mission you were dreading. You and Neon boarded the jet, preparing yourselves for what's about to come and as you were doing that a tall man nicely dressed sat himself right next to you.

"Evening mademoiselle, hope you don't mind" He says with a slight grin

"Oh I do actually, the seats in front of us are vacant so why-" he cuts you off

"I think it's still quite early in the mission to argue sweet girl, why don't you calm down and then we can chat hm"

You groan and just shut your mouth, not because of what he just told you but because you didn't want to waste another breath on him. You sigh and slouch in your seat but immediately perk up when you see Cypher enter. You try to hid your excitement but you can tell he clearly know how you're feeling. He takes a seat right in front of you and you can tell that he's eyeing down the man next to you.

You cant help but smile a bit, this man is really getting jealous because of you. You don't want him to feel such things is sort of cute" You shake your head. It's not a time to be thinking like that.

"Didn't know you were coming on the mission" you say

"Well how can some extra information hurt, I'll be in the background monitoring. Helping keep everyone safe and informed" he responds but you can tell that the last part was for you. Only reason why he's here is to keep you safe.

Chamber buts in "We'll all look out for each other, I'll especially be keeping an eye out to keep this little one safe"

You can feel an intense glare from Cypher as he leans back and huffs. Whatever this mission was you already know that these two are going to be at each others throats.

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