Responsibility [NSFW CHAPTER]

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[Warning, nsfw chapter] daddy kink, and degrading, just overall down bad

Cypher kisses you like a starved beast as he glides his hands up and down your body "you're going to be a good girl and take care of me, right?"

You nod and his lips curl upwards as he slides one of his hands under your shirt. He then pulls your head forward by grabbing you by the hair so he can whisper in your ear "good because you don't know how much I've wanted you my little rose, making me crave you even more from the teasing"

He lifts you up off his lap and places you on the ground as he's still sitting in his chair "as your punishment for teasing me earlier and yesterday when you went under my desk to get the screw you dropped, you have to use that pretty little mouth of yours" cypher grabs you by your hair and brings your face closer to his crotch, with his other hand he caresses your cheek "you drove me crazy...nuzzling your face on my thigh like that, I just wanted to grab you by the hair like this and shove you down on my cock but I didn't. I tried waiting for my sweet little [y/n]s 18th birthday to come by but you just had to make it difficult last night as you put on that amazing little show for me, I just couldn't help myself anymore after that" he glides his thumb over your bottom lip "though a few early birthday gifts won't do much harm will they my precious little flower"

"not at all" you looked up at him like if you had heart shaped eyes full of obsession and lust.

Cypher chuckles and let's go of your hair "go on, be a good girl and take responsibility"

You nod and unbuckle and unzip his pants. Once you do you can see his bulge even more, you lick your lips and pull his cock out of his boxers. You stroke it at a slow pace and play with the tip as he lets out groans. Cypher places his hand on your head "if you keep teasing me rose I'm going to punish that sweet little throat of yours" with that in mind and you not seeing that as a punishment you continue to tease him further

He lets out a deep growl as he takes you by the hair again, guiding your lips to the tip of his dick, nudging you against it "lick" he commands and you do it almost immediately. You start to lick the tip, twirling your tongue around it and even giving it kisses. He guides your head and makes you lick his cock from top to bottom. He lets out a moan as you get to his balls and suck on them. "Such a good girl habibti" he caresses your cheek a little and then guides you back to the tip as he shoves you down on his cock all the way that your nose is up against his crotch.

Cypher lets out a breathy moan as he holds you down for a few seconds and then pulls you off so you can get some air. "Good job, now take my dick you little slut" as you were about to say something Cypher shoves you back down on his cock and starts to throat fuck you without mercy.

"Ah fuck! Such a good girl [y/n], mmph your pretty little mouth feels so good around my dick" he pops you off so you can breathe again but immediately shoves you back down. He moans and says things in arabic that you can't understand but you love hearing him speak in his mother tongue as it just makes things even hotter.

You go to try and touch yourself but he stops you by pulling you off his cock and tightening his grip on your hair making you wince "this is your punishment for being a fucking tease my little rose so be a good girl and pleasure daddys cock, okay?" He lessens his grip on your hair and you nod "good girl baby" you go down on him again and listen to his moans of pleasure. He makes sure you go all the way down by guiding your head. With his other hand he reaches for your clothed breasts and gropes them. You let out muffled moans as you go down on him causing little vibrations which makes him moan your name.

"Ah..fuck [y/n], your gonna make daddy cum ahh.. fuck baby.." he puts his other hand on your head and thrusts a bit as he continues to moan and say your name "You gonna be a good girl and mmph! take daddy's cum [y/n], hm? Come on, be a sweet girl and take it! Ah! Fucking take it [y/n]!" Cypher does one final thrust and shoves you down on his cock with both hands as you feel his warm load spill into your throat. He pulls you off and watches you as you swallow his cum. "Good girl my rose, don't waste any of it okay? Come here baby" he has you lick the cum that was left on his cock and you do so happily

When your finished he lifts you up and places you on his workbench as he massages your thighs "such a good girl for me aren't you habibti" he glides one of his hands to your clothed pussy and puts pressure with his thumb as he does circular motions. He whispers in your ear "I bet you just want me to take your pants off and fuck you, don't you baby" you nod and whine as he lets out a chuckle

"Well that's to bad, looks like your gonna have to wait till your birthday sweetheart, I just wanna make your first time special and not on my workbench" he backs away and sits back in his chair "but you can put on a show for me and try to convince me to touch you" cypher relaxes himself in his chair "go on, strip for me and put on a show my dear"

You blush and start to undress yourself and as you were he was giving you praise. Something that the information broker really loved doing was watching and observing and watching you strip and soon pleasure yourself would have him not even wanting to blink.

Once you got to your panties he could clearly see a damp spot and when you took them off there was a string of your juices. You see Cyphers dick twitch and that makes a shiver go through your body. You spread your legs on his desk and start touching yourself in front of him. You let out moans and grope your breast as you close your eyes. You slide a finger in and moan out his name and soon after you add another as you listen to him giving you praise.

Not too long after you hear him get up from his chair and go up to you. He kisses you and litters your body with marks saying that you're his. He then takes one of your nipples into his mouth as he sucks and nibbles on it. You moan and beg for more and he then takes off his gloves and glides his hand towards your pussy. He removes your fingers and rubs two of his against your entrance, getting your juices all over his fingers and then finally pushing them in. You moan as he starts pumping his fingers in and out of you, they were more filling then your own. With his other hand he rubs your clit with his thumb in a circular motion causing you to moan louder.

"Such a good girl [y/n], moan for me my little rose" he moves to give your other nipple attention and gives it a soft bite that make you whimper "c-cypher..please make me cum" you whine

"I will my love don't worry" he increase the speed he's pumping his fingers at and hits just the right spot that makes you see stars "but please, call me by my name, Amir"

"A-Amir..ah..daddy..." you wrap your arms around him as you feel like you're getting close to your release. Amir realizes this as your tightening around his fingers. "Are you gonna cum [y/n], hm? You gonna be a good girl and cum on daddy's fingers so he can taste your sweet juices?"

You moan yes and beg for him to let you cum as soon after you cum all over his fingers as he whispers sweet nothings into your ear.

"You did such a good job [y/n]" he kisses you on your forehead and makes you watch him lick your juices off his fingers "you taste amazing my dear" you blush and watch him fix his pants. He cleans you up and gets you dressed as he sits you down in his chair. "I'll go get you something to drink, anything you'd prefer my dear?" You tell him what you want and he pulls his mask back down as he leaves to go get what you want. Not too long after he's back with it. He hands you it and pulls his mask half way up to give you a kiss on the forehead.


You sit on his lap facing forward as you sip on your drink and he works on one of his tripwires. He would occasionally give you little kisses on your neck and tell you how cute you are and how you did amazing earlier. You were currently just living the dream.

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