What Happened?

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You don't remember where it all went wrong but right now you couldn't think straight. Neon got taken out and will be needed to be revived by Sage, no comms have been going through and the last you heard were Chamber and Cypher getting ambushed, you have no idea where Omen is. Right now you were on bind trying to get to where Skye was last, lamps they called it on A site. You were currently injured, not greatly but there is a bullet in your shoulder causing you not to be able to aim right. You silence your footsteps using your ability and make your way through B short to A short. Your heart races and you cant get the thought of Cypher out of your mind. What if he's dead? You try to shake the thought but it's still there.

(("Focus, you need to focus. Get a heal and get to looking for Cypher")) you talk to yourself in your head and try to motivate yourself as much as you can to push forward no matter how scared you are. Right as you're turning to cubby you spot Omen behind the box on the ground with a wound to his side.
"are you alright?" You ask quietly.

He goans in response "careful, operator in tower"

"Can you smoke so I can get over into lamps?" You ask and he nods doing so. After the smoke sets in you stealthily make your way into lamps finding Skye also injured. "Is everyone hurt or somethi-" she immediately grabs you and shuts you up signaling that there's two others outside of lamps. She notices your wound and checks you. The bullet you took went straight through and all she had to do was heal you and she did.

You nod thanking and as you do you hear comms from Chamber come in "I'm making my way into tower without them noticing, just give me a minute or two and we'll be on our way home soon"

You hear the sound of struggling through comms and it sounded like it was from a female signaling that Chamber is taking out whoever is in tower with the op. After it ends you hear the operator go off and someone running into lamps. You get ready to shoot whoever it is and take the shot when they appear. It was an enemy Neon, you'll never get used to killing a copy of your best friend but for now you have to suck it up and try not to throw up.

"It's clear, come out of hiding now" Chamber says over comms and you do helping Skye up towards where Omen is. Once you get her over to head towards Chamber. You spot a body in the middle of A site meaning Chamber killed two. Since you killed the person who shot you earlier and the one who ran into lamps there's only 1 more.

"Where's Cypher?" You ask immediately

"Last seen at b in elbow, he got shot and wanted me to head over here as he watched over B site" he says

"You left him alone?!" You say angrily.

"It was the best opinion at the moment, we were all split up and most injured, don't fight me on this madame because even you know it was the right call, are you hur-" you cut him off as you run towards B site.

You quiet your steps once more and make your way into elbow finding him against the wall on the ground bleeding "Cypher!" You go to him and put pressure on his wound.

"My rose... it's not safe yet, there's still an enemy on site. Take car-"

You go serious and interrupt "Did you shoot him? If he's hurt I can use my ability to track him down"

"Yes but you have to be careful, it's Breach"

You huff "all ready done" you use an ability you call blood tracking. You have a high sense of smell and can pinpoint where someone is at times when they are injured. You can for a few seconds see a faint red line in the air to where the individual is and it works wonders. You decide to also use your ult, this copy has injured the person you love and you don't want to waste to much time. Your ult is a paranoia but this paranoia also makes you tremble and unable to move much as if you were frozen in fear. The proximity of it wasn't much but considering from how close they were that didn't matter, you could hear a gun fall to the floor and you walk over to it finding the copy of Breach. You shoot him where Cypher was shot. He lets out a scream of pain and swears at you. "Doesn't it hurt? You hurt my Cypher in this way. I would let you bleed out but I'd like to see you dead." You pull out your ghost and place it on his temple.

"Fuck yo-" you shoot him before he finishes and immediately head back to Cypher as your yelling at Chamber over comms to get Skye over there.

You stayed right by Cyphers side till you couldn't when he was taken to Sages clinic back at the base. You didn't want to leave Cypher alone with her but his health comes first. Omen was healed by Skye and she got healed by Sage since she got shot in the leg. Chamber got out of there with only a few bruises and cut on his arm.

You didn't want to bother Neon since she just got revived and after a while you were allowed to see the information broker and you tried your best not to be all over him since you didn't want to harm him on accident. You told him your side of the mission and how Chamber was the one to help them in that situation.

"Good thing I told him to go then, guess I'll be having to thank him later for helping you" he says sourly

"Well...you don't have to...helping his team is what he's supposed to do" you say with a playful smile

"It's the right thing to do my rose. He was actually.. worried for you, we both were and he really wanted to help keep you safe"

"I see...then I guess I'm the one who's going to have to do the thanking huh" you sigh "but I'm still going to punch him for leaving you!"

Cypher laughs lightly and immediately groans in pain "Sages healing helped but I can still feel it all" he caresses your cheek and smirks "I'll be healed up on your birthday though my rose so don't worry, I'll be able to make you forget it's even your birthday"

You blush "o-okay, good to know"

You get startled when you hear a groan from the other side of the room

"Can you guys save that for later, I got revived not to long ago and I'm suffering the consequences with a massive headache" Neon complains and sits up to look at you "please don't scar me with any more information"

You laugh embarrassed "sure thing Neon"

[One more chapter after this and it will be the nsfw one during your birthday, sorry that I took a big absence. I just didn't have the motivation, was in an abusive relationship and finally somewhat at peace to do what I want again]

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