Chapter Seven ~ We Meet Again

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      "Alvin the Treacherous?" I asked in complete disbelief.

      "You know him?" Hiccup responded, puzzled.

      "Do I? I hate him. He's my stepfather, I think." Hiccup and a few other riders stared in alarm.

      "You're an Outcast?"

      "No, no. I came from a tribe extremely far away from here. It's taken me nearly five years to get here. They kicked me out because I didn't want to kill a dragon."

      "So how does this have to do with Alvin?" Astrid questioned suspiciously.

      "Shortly after I was banished, my father died. I never liked him so I wasn't really sad or anything. But then my mother remarried this burly guy named Alvin. She told him all about me and he promised that if he ever met me, he would find a way to kill me. That's when I made an appearance, told him that he could try, and left for good." I explained, wincing at my past.

      "Wow." Someone breathed. I think it was one of the Whispering Deaths.

      After a few more minutes of total silence, we spotted the Outcast ships sailing straight towards Berk. Ruff and Tuff pointed and snickered at something Tuffnut had said. Indigo swooped in from the clouds and paralyzed the Outcasts. Whenever one would start to move, Indigo didn't hesitate to spray them again.

      "Drop me off on that ship," I pointed to the one farthest back where I saw Toothless thrashing around. 

      Once I was on board, I quickly ran over, my fingers fumbling as they tried to undo the knots. Eventually, I just drew out my knife and sliced the ropes, which Toothless easily shook off. One of the Outcasts' paralyzation effect wore off, but he moved quietly so Indigo didn't notice.

      "Hello, Adira." He said and slowly turned around. My heart nearly stopped. It was Alvin.

      "Melanite!" I called, eyes flashing in panic. Meanwhile, Toothless was protectively wrapping his tail around me. It was the first time I noticed that half of his tail fin was missing.

      "I see you've made friends with Tailless here." He chuckled a gruesome laugh at his new nickname.

      By then I had Melanite, Citrine, and Canna all standing beside me my a backup. My confidence started to grow.

      "Alvin," I glared at him, "I see you're still keeping your promise to my dreadful mother." I gestured to the sword poised in his hand.

      "Indeed." He took a swipe at me but I easily dodged out of way. He clearly has some weaknesses as well as strengths. He was huge and heavy, but very slow. I could probably use his weight to my advantage as well because if he started running, it would be hard for him to stop.

      I saw Hiccup flying towards me, probably to rescue me, get Toothless, or both.

      Melanite was furious now. "Get behind me." He growled with such anger I obeyed. He snarled at Alvin who now looked genuinely scared. Melanite opened his jaws and his wings started buzzing with electricity.


      This evil man needed to go. For good. He was trying to kill Adira and I wouldn't let that happen. Not after everything she's done for me. I felt a powerful electrical shock rise in the back of my throat.

      Adria's eyes widened at the realization of what I was about to do. "Melanite-" she started but it was too late. A stream of electricity left my jaws and hit Alvin square in the chest. He convulsed a few times before dropping onto the deck. I couldn't tell if he was alive or not.

      A choked sound escaped Adira's mouth as she slowly mounted onto my back. I knew that my actions were extreme, but what was the alternative? Let Adira die? I could not stand the thought that she might not have lived to see tomorrow.

      We joined the other riders and the rest of the dragon pack in the sky. Indigo flew up as well, and several Outcasts were moving again.

      "On 'fire'!" Stoick shouted. We all nodded. "THREE,"

      I let a decent electrical shock build up in my throat.


      I did my best not to let the electricity on my wings touch Adira.


      I braced myself for the immense heat that was sure to come.


      On that one word, I let all the anger and fury out and watched it hit the water. I had intended to miss, that way all ships would be electrocuted at once. They burst into flames simultaneously, even before most of the fireballs were shot. In seconds, the entire fleet was one big flaming mess. We flew back to Berk as quick as possible.


      Melanite had killed a person. Or almost killed him. It was hard to tell. I was still a little speechless; what I encountered came as a complete shock. A thought crossed my mind, Hiccup had seen everything too, as well as Toothless, Canna and Citrine.

      I cast a sideways glance in Hiccup's direction and saw that he was in the same state as me, dumbfounded.

      When we arrived at Berk, Stoick asked me how long I intended to stay. I forced myself to choke out the words, "I don't know."

      "Do you even have anywhere to go?" Someone, Snotlout I think, asked.

      I shook my head sadly, "No. Well, we did have this island with an awesome cave but the Berserkers came to look for Melanite too often. We had to leave for good."

      "I think you did prove yourself with the Outcasts. If you would like to stay on Berk, you are welcome to." Stoick offered. My face lit up.

      "Really? That would be amazing. I just need to check with the dragons-" I didn't get to finish my sentence before almost every dragon from the pack started calling out their agreement. "They say they want to stay too," I told him, "so I-we accept your offer."

      A hint of a smile crept up on his face. Toothless started jumping up and down almost hysterically. Everyone around me seemed to be overjoyed, and so was I.

A/N: Yes? No? I don't really know what to think about this chapter.

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