Chapter Twelve ~ Today's Your Birthday

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      I watched the Vikings sing and dance with a smile on my face. It was finally my birthday; I was fifteen years old at last. Honestly, it felt just like being fourteen, but I liked it because it made me that much closer to the other dragon rider's ages. It made me feel like I belonged, and like I wasn't just a young girl stumbling around, trying to win battles and train dragons. It made me feel happy.

      "Happy birthday Adira!" Astrid exclaimed and shoved a gift into my arms. Astrid and I had grown quite close over the past two weeks, despite the age difference.

      "Thanks!" I hollered back over the sound of the loud music. For being such warriors, Vikings sure knew how to throw a good party.

      I took the lid off the top of the wooden box. Inside was a shiny necklace with tiny stars and lightning bolts dangling from the fine chain.

      "I hope you like it," said Astrid, "it took me three hours of yelling at Gobber until he got it right."

      "I love it," I told her, putting it on over my head, "thank you." We shared a quick hug before she got lost in the crowd.

      "Happy birthday!" Warbled a familiar voice. I turned to see Toothless striding toward me with some kind of rock in his mouth.

      "Thanks, Toothless!" I responded and beamed. He flashed his signature grin and dropped the rock in my extended hands.

      "What is it?" I asked.

      "An abandoned Changewing egg." He replied.

      I got a good look at it. Oddly shaped, yes, and it slowly changed colors, like it housed a rainbow inside. If I stared real close, I could just make out the little body of a dragon.

      "Thank you so much!" I proclaimed and hugged Toothless's neck.

      "Anything for a friend," he said back, "I better go find Hiccup. I kind of left him without warning." I told him I understood.

      The night went on. I received a range of birthday gifts, from more eggs, jewelry, a bag, and even a brand new, shiny bow and two dozen arrows. Although I could use really any weapon, bow and arrows were my favorite. I had been trained at a young age, and rarely missed my mark.

      When the party was over, I headed to the stables. Canna and Citrine were in another argument.

      "My present is better!"

      "No, mine is!"

      "You don't even know what it is!"

      "Yes, I do!"

      "What is it then?"

      "It's a..." Citrine trailed off when he saw me coming. I heaved a sigh.

      "You two need to stop fighting. You sound like an old married couple." What meant to be a slightly humorous comment turned into another heated fight.

      "We are not a married couple."

      "Never in a million years."

      "I can't believe you would say that!"

      "It was obviously a sign of frustration!"

      "Oh yeah? How do you know? It's not like you're a mind-reader."

"For the love of Thor, sStop!" I finally shouted as the argument went on. "I can't live like this anymore. You guys have to resolve your differences or I'm putting you guys in the stables all the way across the island. Don't expect many visits from there." I yelled a bit harshly and stalked off. Melanite followed hastily.

      "That got a little intense," Melanite stated once we were out of ear range.

      "I had to do what I had to do," I replied bluntly and made my way towards my house. Melanite stopped me.

      "You never gave me the chance to give you your birthday present." He added and slipped an egg into my hand.

      "What species is it?" I questioned as I examined it. It was blackish purple and about the length of my arm. When I pressed my ear up to it, I heard the faint hum of electricity.

      "A Skrill. My daughter, actually." Melanite said nonchalantly.

      "Your daughter? Who's the lucky female?" I questioned with a laugh, wiggling my eyebrows to indicate something that was best not spoken aloud.

      Melanite ducked his head in embarrassment, "her name is Nightflash. She was kidnapped by the Conquerers but escaped. We met during the battle."

      "And you're giving me your daughter as a birthday present?! I can't accept this!"

      "No, please! I trust you more than anyone on Berk to keep her safe." He almost pleaded.

      "Okay, if you insist..."

      "I do. Trust me, I really do."

      "Alright then. Melanite, this means a lot to me, I hope you know that." I said softly and hugged him. Then I turned around and ran back to my house.

      When I arrived I set all of my birthday gifts down on my kitchen table. Astrid's necklace, Toothless's Changewing egg, a saddle for Melanite from Hiccup, a copy of the Book of Dragons from Fishlegs, a bow and quiver of arrows that Snotlout and the twins stole from Gobber's shop, and various other eggs such as a Thunderdrum, Woolly Howl, Stormcutter, Windstriker, Sword Stealer, and finally, Melanite's Skrill egg. I was going to be a very busy person when these dragons hatched, and I wondered what to name them when they did.

      All of these dragons gave me an idea of my dragon abilities. I changed into a dragon and flew into the night sky, pondering over what species to turn into. I finally decided to start basic with a Deadly Nadder. I pictured Stormfly, Astrid's dragon. Within seconds I felt poisonous spines on my tail and admired them. I could turn into other species as well.

      I decided to skip the list of dragons in my head and jump straight to the Night Fury. Once I changed into a Toothless look-alike, I felt myself plummet from the sky. Oh yeah, the tail thing. I quickly added another fin on my tail right before I hit the ground.

      "Phew, that was close." I uttered to myself as I flew back into the sky. This was when I realized how stealthy a Night Fury was. I could fly silently with very little effort, and I seemed to blend in with the night, making me almost invisible. I was having the time of my life before I heard the call of enemy Berserkers. Looked like the dragon pack only temporarily terrified them, but they returned.

      "Night Fury!" Dagur shouted before I blasted his ship to bits.

A/N: Ha. Somehow Dagur survives all this. Don't ask me how.

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