Another Author's Note

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      Okay, so I was reading through all your comments n' stuff and while most of them are positive, I just want to clear a few things up.

      I wrote this two years ago. I was in seventh grade. Also, Race to the Edge was not a thing at the time. I had absolutely no idea that Dagur was not evil. I know now, obviously, but please don't get mad at me for making a character different from their traditional personality. 

      Oh and also, I just wanted to mention that I finally finished editing everything in Fire and Ice. I'm now going to edit Silver and Gold, then continue it. I've also got a few other books headed your way. 

      The thing is, I was rereading some of my pre-planned plots for the other books in the Fire and Ice series, and I gotta tell you, the majority of them were dry and awful. I'm seriously considering cutting it from six books to three. We've got Fire and Ice, Silver and Gold, and probably Sky and Sea. 

      I'm dead serious, the plots for the other books are literally just the Dragon Riders constantly fighting Dagur and Blizzard. No variety. At all. Sky and Sea is different though, which is why I plan on keeping it. Things might change in the future if I somehow think of an original plot for the other three books, but as of right now this is going to end up as a trilogy.

      Anyway, thanks for 9k+ reads! You guys are honestly the greatest fans one simple teenager could ask for. I love you all more than words can describe. My gratitude goes out to each and every one of you.

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