Chapter Seventeen ~ Simulation

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      I was getting a little sick of creating illusions of myself. To make an excuse for me "leaving", I whispered in Hiccup's mind, This is painful to watch. I'm going stay on an island nearby until this dragon's trained.

      "Are you sure you'll survive?" He asked aloud.

      Is that even a question?' I asked sarcastically and made one last illusion of a silver and gold figure flapping away into the distance. I decided to banish magic from my abilities until I thought the words silver, gold, silver, gold, silver, gold, but not before disguising my dragon voice and double checking my scent.

      I started struggling with the net that tangled my wings and limbs. I let out a wail of distress and the whole situation started to feel real. Like I was actually a Night Fury that just got trapped and was being imprisoned by mysterious humans. Before long I actually convinced myself that it was happening. This experiment was working; it had turned into a simulation for myself to know how a dragon feels.

      I tried to get up and shake off the ropes, but as soon as my weight was placed on my front left foot, pain raced through me and I immediately collapsed back down. I must have injured it when I fell to the ground. I realized that if I couldn't stand, I couldn't take off, which meant I couldn't fly until the injury healed. It was all I could to not mentally repeat the words 'silver, gold' three times.

      I let out another moan of terror and pain and fell back to the dusty ground, sneezing a few times.

      "Who are you?" Toothless snarled. He obviously did not sense any magic or presence of Adira on me.

      "A dragon in pain," I replied through gritted teeth.

      "I meant what's your name?" He asked with a menacing growl. Uh oh, hadn't thought of that one.

      "I don't have one," I answered and winced at the throbbing in my foot.

      "Easy bud," Hiccup said with a hand holding Toothless back, "you're probably scaring her to death."

      It was true, I'd never seen this side of Toothless and I was getting very uneasy. He was always so friendly and caring. Then again, I'd never seen him in a potentially dangerous situation before now.

      "Is she injured?" Hiccup asked Toothless gently. Toothless gave a subtle nod of his wide head.

      Hiccup slowly walked around me, seeking out the wound on my foot. I flinched when he touched it.

      "I think there's a break," said Hiccup thoughtfully, "let's go get Gothi." He jumped on Toothless and clicked his prosthetic leg into place. They dove into the sky and I suddenly felt the strong urge to join them. No. No flying was part of the experience. A large wooden board was slipped under me and the net was cut away. Several chains were attached to the board and Astrid, Fishlegs, Snotlout, and the twins each grabbed a chain and hoisted me into the air with their dragons.

      "Bring Starstorm to the cove," Hiccup instructed with Gothi riding on Toothless behind him. I cocked an ear at the new name. "Is it okay to call you Starstorm? I asked Toothless if you had a name and he shook his head no." I nodded in response.

      The realization that I'd never been to the cove dawned to me. As we neared, I saw how beautiful it was. A lake in the middle with a waterfall and grass and trees everywhere. It was surrounded by tall cliffs that I could probably climb if I tried, which I couldn't because of my foot.

      "Set her down there," Hiccup instructed while pointing towards an especially grassy area next to the lake.

      I was not-so-gently planted on the ground and the board was yanked out from under me, making my foot jut out at an odd angle and caused spikes of pain to race through my body. I let out another small yelp of pain and glared at each of the dragon riders. Hiccup rolled his eyes,

      "I said set her down, not throw her down." He said.

      "Everyone can use a little pain," Ruffnut snickered while Tuffnut nodded and laughed in agreement. I growled and let out a plasma blast that purposefully missed them by a few meters, but still scared them both enough for to shut them up. Good.

      "Be quiet, you muttonheads," Astrid glowered at them. She can get quite scary when she's aggravated.

      Gothi worked her magic on me and in a matter of minutes, my foot was wrapped in a brace-like object. She wrote the words, "it will heal in three or so days" on the bare spot on the ground.

      "That's good," Fishlegs said when he saw the writing.

      "Gives us time to train this Night Fury as well," Astrid added.

      Hiccup looked at Toothless, "I'll leave you with Starstorm. Don't kill her or anything." Toothless rolled his eyes and pretended to act friendly until the riders were long gone.

      "So what I want to know," Toothless snarled, "is why you were storming the village and stealing sheep."

      Three words raced through my head at that moment. I. Am. Screwed. Last resort I decided to play dumb.

      "I-I was g-getting it for the Red Death." I stuttered, trying to sound believable.

      Toothless scoffed, "idiot, the Red Death was killed a year ago,"

      I acted surprised, "oh really? Well, I ran away from it two years ago but then came back because I kept getting hunted by humans. I was getting the sheep so she wouldn't be mad." Toothless's eyes softened a bit, "Who killed him?"

      "Me," he growled. I pretended to be astonished.

      "Oh, I am so sorry... if only I had known, I wouldn't have-"

      "Drop it," he muttered and stared at the ground, "I don't want you to act like I'm all superior or anything."

      "Sorry," I murmured. He got to his feet and started to trod from the cove. "Wait..." I trailed off, realizing he never told me his name.

      "Toothless," he stated.

      "Toothless," I continued, "please don't go."

      He turned back in my direction, staring deeply into my eyes. "Alright, fine." He grunted, "I'll stay." He came back over and laid down a small distance away from me.

A/N: I seriously have to stop with the fillers. Anyway, the other day I bought a necklace with a citrine gemstone in it. It inspired me to write this chapter as quick as possible.

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