chapter 4

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M/n found a old vending machine and broke the glass, taking everything that was good. Which was nothing. Everything was so out dated if they ate it they would die from that alone.

Its he imagined 2 am. Nothing is open, perfect. From his patrols with aizawa at he knew what hero's would be out, where and when. If he had any second to get something it would be now.

With a inhale he ran out the door. He's doing to much for this guy. Hiding where he can to avoid any hero's. Soon her came to a closed store.

"Ok m/n can do this." He whispered to himself leaning forward with the tip of his horn at the lock. "You won't feel it. You won't feel it." He whispered to himself over and over before leaning back and slamming forward.

Slamming his horn into the keyhole.

When he did his quirk limit testing he had to see what his horn found break through, how strong it was.

He had to do so much it was horrible. He can break metal easily with it if its 2 inches or a above, as it gets harder as he gets bigger. But he still has some feeling in it.

Its like a finger nail. If you take a pin and poke your fingernail it won't hurt but you still have some feeling in it as a sense that its there.

Now you may be nervous to poke your fingernail harsher then you would your skin, with the chance 'this could hurt me' and m/n felt the same. Ever thought he knew i wouldn't.

So once he pulled his horn back out he could easy mess with the door a little more and it would open on its own. No alarm.

Running around he took anything he could, medical equipment, food, water, anything. One he had it all in a basket he ran like hell back.

Once back he made them both some soup. Eating his before helping the man, name still only known as possibly one for all.

"There, rest now you need to heal." M/n said laying him back down carefully.

"What a kind villain." He chuckled.

"I'm not really a villain."

"No hero either, not with that you been doing."

After a while of silence m/n spoke again. "M/n, my name is m/n l/n." He said walk to the doorway. "Ill be back don't move." He said before leaving.

3 am.

Nightmares out.

Nightmare was a bat like hero. Main thing about her quirk he knew, echolocation.

'God i really am doing way to much for this guy.' He thought to himself.

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