chapter 10

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Norwood hospital. A old abandoned hospital in a far far part of Tokyo. The street of that down once blossomed with people. Not that street is dead, despite the one next to it shinning with light and hope.

No one knows the truth why they never rebuild the fallen buildings, moved back into the old homes along the street. Some say they just didnt want to rebuild.

But some say its more then that, a symbol to not forget what could happen.

Regardless, Norwood. A old abandoned hospital where it all started.

And once again years later a man lays in a familiar hospital bed in a room that seems the only thing that has changed is time.

"Let me guess. You need echolocation to see?" A familiar voice said with a smirk.

"We meet again, you just be my guardian angle to save me once again."

"Well I'm definitely not a hero." It was silent as they just seemed to look at each other. The one on the bed, thanks to his quirk, now completely healed sat up to face the other. Opening his arms for the other who accepted the hug.

M/n leaning against hin in the hug sighed. He was worn out and his head was on fire from quirk overuse.

"Welcome back MB."

"Never told me what it means." AFO said pulling m/n up to lay him down as he sat on the side of the bed.

"My boy. MR didn't role off the tongue as well as MB" m/n mumbles closing his eyes.

"Your childish." M/n didn't respond as sleep took over him. He was tired, he over used his wings by caring to much weight. Over used his quirk with a extreme over plus ultra thunder blast.

So all he wanted to do was sleep, and he felt safer then ever that he could. For the first time in s long time. Not because of the area, the familiar setting, feeling, no. Because he knows he has someone watching over him. Someone who would keep him safe, protect him. And he was safe, he felt safe.

And no matter how much he might not want to admit it, he better enjoy it. Because as soon as that body is in the ground this world is gonna turn to hell of hero vs villains. Hurt vs broken. And m/n?

He's right in the middle of it

But one thing is for sure for him. God will have to strike him down dead. Dead into there is nothing left of his body, no evidence he existed but paper and memories. Before he lets them take all for one, take MB.

Because his is m/ns boy. M/ns friend. M/ns hero. M/ns reasoning. He owes him his life, his wings his awakening. He was tue first one to make him feel safe since that December, make him feel wanted like no other.

He knew AFO wants power, and his is like no other. It would help him in so many ways! But he didn't take it he never did, and even after he paid his debt of giving him his wings and healing him, he stayed and took care of him.

So now he can sleep in peace, safe like no other.

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