chapter 5

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M/n ran to literally the OTHER SIDE OF TOWN. For god knowns how many times today, to get a hero? For possibly the worlds most dangerous man?


If it a horrible idea because this is a bro hero?


But regardless of all that, m/n was a pro hero. Or at least tried to be. No one saw him as a pro, no one treated him as a pro, and now he can never be anything but a criminal. Even if he went to jail, he'd still be nothing but a criminal.

As he saw nightmare on a roof in the distance he hide behind a dumpster in a ally way a couple buildings down and cross the street.

'Am i really doing this?' He thought. He wanted to turn back but yet didnt. He met nightmare on a patrol only two time, when aziawa was showing him other heros that watch the night. And another.

She told him her quirk, and he remembered. He remembered anything and everything he wanted to. That's his curse from his father, his brain.

"And this is nightmare. She has a bat quirk." Aizawa said to m/n introducing him after running into the bat hero Nightmare.

"M/n l/n my quirk is Dark God, I'm from America." He said smiling at her slightly.

"Nice to meet you."

"Sorry if this sounds rude but can you see? Aren't bats blind?" M/n asked woundering how her quirk worked.

"Oh no bats aren't blind at all. Bats have very sensitive vision, which helps them see in conditions you might consider pitch black. I just can't see any color."

"Oh that's interesting! So do you still use echolocation?"

"When needed yes, if i close my eyes i can use it how most people thing bats see." She explained.


Following her ever so closely he waited till she was on the ground. Slowly he did something kids in middle school used to find hilarious he could do. He barked.

M/n learned a stupid trick to do that sounds like a dog bark, like a actual dog. All because he befriended that cafe worked with a dog quirk.

"Oh hello nightmare." M/n greated.

"Sorry can't talk i heard a dog barking. Poor sweet thing must be lost!" She said as she quickly jumped off the building he was on to the next and so on.

'Guess she likes dogs?'

His hearing was better then a a normal person's but not as well as hers so he had to be careful.

Holding the sharpened, broken pipe tightly in his hands. Listening to her footsteps.





'NOW!!' He yelled in his mind as he jumped out and stabbed the pike into her left wing closest to him, at the top dragging it down till it hit the floor, she cried out and tried to fly up to get the high grounds bit can't fly with her wing ripped so bad. If m/n wasn't going to attach again she surely could of flied if she thought about how to get the air mass to lift her.

But she was to shocked and trying to not die. 

She dodged the pipe but he kicked her knee in as hard as he could.  He was a 6'7 at 204 pound( may seem like a lot but is a normal weight for this height[i used a chart])

She let out a whimper as she fell and with a quick hard swing of the pipe again, like a bat he slammed it against the side of her head before throwing it into a drain, and throwing her over his shoulder.

Running as fast as he could back to the hospital. And into the room. He was asleep but must of woke to m/ns load steps in the otherwise dead silent halls.

"Ah m/n my little caretaker." The man said smirking.

"I got you a quirk with echolocation, just like you asked."

"So caring. Place them on my hand." He said turning is right hand over, it was sharking and he seemed to struggle to move it.

"Not yet. Tell me first. Your name."

"One for all.." he said. M/n placed nightmare on his hand and it seemed he used his quick. His quirk seemed to talk hers. He chucked slightly. "Thank you m/n." He said breathing slightly heavy.

"You over worked yourself using your quirk. If I'd known you'd use it i wouldn't have given you her."

"At least i can some what known my surroundings." He weakly chuckled and  m/n sighed.

"Just rest, the sun isn't up yet you have plenty of time." M/n said throwing nightmares corpse over his shoulder.

"Ill really have to repay you for all this, i am grateful no matter how," he said before he said stopping to take a few deep breaths. "Evil i am."

"Yeah, it's no problem." M/n said before quickly leaving going to a higher floor. Throwing her body to the floor. Finding a syringe he took it in hand. Closing his eyes he slit her throat.

Wiping his eyes quickly he walked out of the room. "Guess dad was right, i did end up like a monster." Wiping his eyes again he blinked a couple times. 5 people, he killed five people. 3 were innocent. She was innocent.

Walking downstairs he sat in front of the room all for one was in, against the wall. 'Heal him and leave m/n, leave.' He thought to himself.

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