chapter 7

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After finishing making some instant ramen he ate his before going to give AFO his. Walking in the room he set on beside the hospital bed. Carefully lifting AFO to sit up, letting go once he was sure he could do it on his own. Taking the cut he held it for him but allowed his to eat on his own.

"So you like my face?" AFO chucked.

"I just find scars..creepy like this yes. But also cool. A meaning." M/n said setting the empty cup back down. "My mom has a nasty scar on her stomach, horrible to look at. But she never hid it on purpose, she told me that it showed she was stronger then what hurt her."

"You sound like you loved her."

"I did. She saw good in anyone. No villain was evil to her just a hurting human, like anyone else." He said before realizing AFO words. "How'd you know?"

"Those 21 years ago the world, everywhere i know of heard of that accident." Nodding m/n looked down. He loved no one like mother, no one. She was the only one that. "Im sorry truly."

M/n looked at him, he always read eyes, but he couldn't with him. But his tone. It was rather soft, sincere, all out caring.

"Lets work on standing." M/n said getting off the bed and helping AFO turn to hang his feet off edge, but he just touches the floor. Wrapping one arm around his back to his side.

He put the other on his leg and lifted him to his feet moving both hands to his hips to steady him. His body was healed but it was still worn out and tired. And he needed to move again.

M/n looking up and his let out a aired laugh. "Your taller then me. 7 foot?"

"About yeah."

"Im 6'7. My quirk adds to my height so i always been taller then anyone i met. Never had to look up." He chuckled.

"Your quirks are impressive."

"Quirk, i have one."

"Dark god and a weather quirk is it not? You make clouds." AFO asked.

"Thats just the power i use. I can shock with my body and control how much. Thats my badass ultimate move." M/n chuckled. Sending a small friendly shock to his hands, won't hurt just tickle.

"Ah i see that move is the most powerful, and deadly because its pure lightning."

"Yes. It won't kilo me if i was hit. But i could be badly injured, luckly i can control it well. With dangerous quirks ulu have to." M/n said before taking a small step back, still making sure it was holding on well. "You been standing on your own fine, are you tired?" He asked.

"No." Nodding m/n spoke again.

"Ill keep my hands rested here in case you fall. Try and take a step." AFO doing so took a step forward and went to take another but stumbled.

M/n quickly wrapping his hands around AFO held him steady, before setting him down. "I said i got you." M/n said blinking at him before looking down. 'I am really doing a lot.'

"I say we try letter rest for a hour."

"Right." M/n said going to the door.

"You always leave to sit outside the wall. Why not stay in here?" AFO asked.

"Suppose your right." M/n said and sat again the wall, this time in the room.

"Let us talk some more, tell me more about your quirk i find it very..fascinating."

"As long as you won't steal it." M/n chuckles and , AFO did as well.

"I won't." So m/n did, he told him details on his quirk, his power.

"Did you ever thought about trying to almost die to get your wings?"

"Yes, but i was scared to try. Ya know what if i do die. I can't heal myself."

It was silent till AFO turned his head to    m/n. "But i can. It can maybe be a repayment."


"I almost kill you. You get your wings and i heal you. I have the quirks to do so. I won't let you die, not after all you've done for me."

M/n with almost no hesitation said, "I have nothing to lose. Once you can walk around fine you can do it."

"I swear, i won't kill you." AFO said softly.

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