Chapter 3: Newly Found Friend

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Destiny's Bounty

On the ship named Destiny's Bounty that Zane had found by following the falcon from last night were the Ninja, asleep in their bunk beds. Wu entered the room while banging a gong in his hands loudly, disrupting the Ninja's sleep.

"Evil doesn't sleep and neither should you!" The Ninja groan in response to their sensei as they attempt to muffle the noise in any way. "In order to reach your full potential, we must greet each day as an opportunity!" He stopped the banging.

Kai was the first to get up and hopped off his bed. "Okay, okay, we're up. But if you want us to reach our full potential, shouldn't we at least get a full night of rest." He yawned as he went to adjust the blinds. They fell off the window.

Cole stretched his back as it made audible cracking noises as Jay walked to the bathroom. "You call that rest? I think my back has more lumps than the mattress."

"Sorry, Sensei. We were up all night talking about how cool it is to have a new headquarters," Jay turned on the tap water to wet his toothpaste, not aware that the water was sand. "I guess we lost track of time. Since the Serpentine burned down our monastery and... Took Y/n."

An air of unease suddenly rose up and overpowered the mood in the room. The scene was engraved in their minds.

"We searched everywhere for him on our dragons. Y/n wasn't on the floor with the weapons or anywhere near the mountain. He's still out there." Zane deduced.

One question was asked in all of their minds: Where was Y/n?


Hypnobrai Tomb

A freezing sensation was the first feeling Y/n felt once he regained consciousness. His eyes opened groggily as he resisted the urge to chatter his teeth from the coldness that surrounded him, specifically around his wrists. A shiver ran through his body and woke him up fully, allowing him to scan his surroundings.

His hands were trapped in ice shackles paired with chains of the same material linked to the wall behind him. In front were bars that had little space separating them and two Hypnobrai guarding the cell armed with spears made of ice. He read enough about Ninjago's history and legends to know where he was.

Y/n looked to his hands and attempted to activate the weird powers he did before. But nothing came out, nor did he feel any kind of sensation other than the cold one surrounding his being.

"Looks like you're awake." The guards take notice.

Y/n merely glares at them. No point in talking to low-level grunts if you want information from behind the bars.

"Not talking, huh? Then we're sure General Skales will make you." And off they went to fetch whoever was in command.

Once they were gone, Y/n began to thrash about in hopes of weakening his frozen bindings.

"Will you please quit moving so much!? You'll attract the guards quicker that way!" A voice loudly whispered from the shadows.

Y/n didn't respond to the voice and continued his actions. He was desperate to get back to Master Wu and the others, having already failed to protect their home and forcing them to seek shelter elsewhere. He needed to redeem himself in every way possible.

"So what happens after you break those chains? Think you can do the same to the door before the others come?" This got the helper to suddenly stop.

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