Chapter .75: King of The Shadows

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The Frozen Wasteland

The Monastery party was sailing in the Frozen Wasteland as the Shurikens of Ice were here somewhere. Tall and menacingly blue walls of ice towered the sailing ship as snow fell everywhere. Cole was steering the ship as Jay did whatever he could to prevent boredom.

"I spy something... White!"

"Is that the snow, Master Jay?"

"Correct again, Y/N!" Jay complimented the helper

Cole sighed as he faced the blue nuisance. "Could you try two to be quiet for once? This ain't easy."

As Cole took his eyes off the open waters and Y/N was about to apologize, the ship stumbled a bit as they hit something and Cole groaned.

"I spy something broken."

"That may be the rudder," Y/N stated as he left the two to check on the ship.

As he left, Y/N overhead Kai questioning Wu's reason for not telling them where to go exactly. His voice was shakier than usual and his breaths deeper, possibly from the worry of his sister or the cold of the wastelands. Either way, Y/N stayed behind to hear what Wu's response would be, as he was posed on the bow of the ship.

"The most powerful move in Spinjitzu can only be accomplished when all four elements are combined." He jumped off the bow and performed some moves. "Earth! Ice! Lighting! Fire!"

Jay walked over and rested on the side. "Uh, what happens when all of them are combined?" He asked.

"The Tornado of Creation. The power to create something out of nothing." Wu mysteriously pulled out a cup of steaming tea from nowhere.

Kai copied the moves that Wu performed in an attempt to activate the powerful move.

"No, Kai! If done incorrectly, it will lead to disastrous consequences!" Wu warned the fiery teen.

"Disastrous consequences. Right..." He mocked.

The moment he finished another move the ship suddenly crashed into something, knocking the party--except Wu--onto their butts and freezing the sails.

"Uh, wasn't me." Cole excused himself as he backed away from the wheel.

"Did I do that?" Kai wondered.

"No. We are here." As Wu stepped up to the side of the ship, large gate-like structures of ice led down a path to a mountain of ice with a small opening visible.

Inside that mountain rested the coldest Golden Weapon. The Ninja, including Y/N this time, walked towards the mountain as the snow beneath their feet crunched. They passed multiple frozen skeletons as Y/N couldn't help but wonder aloud.

"It seems Samukai was here." That's when he noticed the shurikens and the dragon's open mouth over them. "Why didn't he take the Golden Weapon?"

"That's his loss and our gain." Kai boasted as the four lifted Zane to reach the shurikens.

The ice Ninja was immediately encased in ice upon contact and the dragon awoke. Zane fell into their hands and the four ran away from the dragon while screaming their heads off. They managed to narrowly dodge the winged creature by jumping through the small entrance and riding ice-block Zane. The gang crashed into a gate structure as Zane's ice prison was shattered and they collectively let out a pained groan.

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