Chapter 1 - Addison Apartments.

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{Song Of The Chapter ~ High enough K. Flay}

(Your outfit above)

(A/N : BEFORE YOU READ! I just want to say, please keep it totally positive in the comments, this was one of my first books I've ever made and I was learning - so it may be a little cringe in some parts or have bad grammer

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(A/N : BEFORE YOU READ! I just want to say, please keep it totally positive in the comments, this was one of my first books I've ever made and I was learning - so it may be a little cringe in some parts or have bad grammer. I will get around to editing it when I have the time, but for now, just tolerate it please🙏. Also, the outfits I choose are just suggestions, you CAN choose WHATEVER YOU WANT, if anything I encourage you to express yourself and "wear" what makes you happy. So, please don't leave nasty comments, there is absolutely NO need for it. Thank you! And enjoy 💋)


I am awoken by something or someone shaking me wildly.

"Y/N, come on's time to go."
I heard a familiar females voice call my name.
I flutter my eyes open, but squint them closed again because of my rooms bright Flush mount ceiling light. I blink a few times to get my eyes use to the strong luminescent light, finally I open them to see my mother leaning over me.

I ask in my sleepy voice whilst rubbing my eyes and sitting up.

"Good morning darling, we must leave for our flight now."
My mother tapped my nose before moving out of the way to allow me to get up from bed.

I look out my window to see it's still pitch black out, I then glance at my old digital clock next to me on my side table to see just how early in the morning it was.

My eyes widened at the time.

"Up! Up! Get ready!"
My mother smiled as she rushed me out of bed.
I couldn't help but smile too, although I was anything but excited.

"Okay, okay!"
I huffed as I pushed myself out of bed.
My mother leaves my room and I walk toward my old desk, that I'll be leaving here, where my outfit that I pulled out of my suit case yesterday laid - the clothing pieces folded neatly ontop of eachother.

I pick up the dress I layed out and unfolded it. I chose a more comfortable outfit, so I chose a plain, floor length, silk white dress - a pearl necklace and some pearl earrings to go with it, of course not forgetting my white heels.

I adjust my belt as I jog to the side of my bed and grab my medium sized white backpack; that inside carried everything I might want to entertain myself on the flight to Nockfell and on the drive to my new home there.

The backpack holds things such as: Books, my sketch book, coloring pencils, and regular pencils, and my father had put a Bible in there as well.

It's been a really big wish of mine since like - ever - to have a gameboy, but my mother and father wouldn't allow it.
'It will corrupt you're mind.' Is all my father would ever say to me when I asked for one.

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