Chapter 32 - Unsaid words.

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{Song Of The Chapter ~ Bohemian Rhapsody Queen}

{Song Of The Chapter ~ Bohemian Rhapsody Queen}

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You now stood outside Addison Apartments beside Sal and Larry, whilst your mom was getting tended to in an ambulance.

You had a blanket wrapped around your shoulders to keep you slightly warm. Larry and Sal were on either side of you as Sal had his arm wrapped around your waist and Larry was holding your hand.

Tears streamed down your face, not from sadness, but happiness. It was finally over.

All the pain and fear you had occupying your mind was now washed away and an overwhelming feeling of joy replaced it. Your father couldn't hurt you anymore. He couldn't hurt anyone anymore.

Still, you have yet to figure out who had told your father about this. It had to be someone who knew your father would freak out. But who would do such a thing?

Sal lets go of your body and walks forward towards your father. You saw Sal pull his an arm back then a rough punch was delivered to your fathers face, causing your fathers nose to bleed. Although you couldn't hear Sal say his next words,
"That's for Y/N."

You watched Sal with wide eyes but a big, goofy smile was plastered on your face.

You watched as your father was shoved into a cop car with his hands behind his back in handcuffs. A smile appeared on your face as you witnessed the scene Infront of you. Your father was shouting curses at you but then were muffled as the cop that saved you, Sal, and your mom slammed the car door close in his face.

You listened to some different cops talk to each other about the charges and crimes he had committed.

"Child abuse, domestic violence, psychological torture, kidnapping, and first degree torture."
The amount broken laws seemed to just keep piling up, this wasn't going to look good for your father in court. Hell, there might not even be a trial if your father just confessed, but knowing him - he would just act the he was the victim.

You leaned your head on Larry's shoulder as the cop car drove away, slowly fading in the distance. Your attention was driven away from the now disappeared cop car when you hear coughs behind you.

You turn your head to look behind you and see your mom coughing while sitting on the edge of the ambulette. Her gaze was stuck to the ground as her heart filled with guilt and sadness. She was happy that her husband had finally been taken away from her and her baby, but still, the pain from all the years she was stuck with him weighed down her thrilled mood.

You gave your mom a sympathetic smile as you began walking over to her, letting go of Larry's hand because you figured this was a talk that needed to just be between you and your mom. Larry understood what you were going to do without even needing you to speak and walked over to Sal.

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