Chapter 8 - Dinner with the neighbors (3/3)

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{Song of the chapter ~ loveeeeeee song Rihanna, ft. Future}


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After dinner, Sal and I headed to my room, he told me he wanted to 'Tell me something important. Privately'.

So I agreed, well, not really. He kind of just grabbed my wrist and pulled me to where I told him my room was. I just let him.

Sal closes the door then he turns to me. I look at him in slight confusion, an eyebrow raised, the silence was kind of either freaking me out or is just really awkward - I couldn't tell which I was feeling more.

"So, what did you have to tell me that is so secret?"
I question with an eyebrow raised whilst I look him dead in the eyes, I was genuinely curious because I was practically dragged here, so it had to be at least a little important.

When he doesn't respond I begin to get a little irritated.
"Hello? Earth to Sal!"
I clap my hands in front of his face and he seems to snap out of whatever day dream he was just having.
"Welcome back, Blueberry head."

"You know I hate it when you call me that."
Sal finally speaks up rolling his eyes with a very tiny smile, you can always tell when he's smiling because his mask shifts. Not to mention his eyes squint.
If I didn't have such a keen eye, I would have never noticed it.

"I know, that's mostly why I do it."
I retort back with a smug look on my face. It makes me happy that we are getting along, as much as we can at least.

"You know, I get why you slapped me earlier. You were right. I deserved it."
Sal looks away from me and walks over to the left side of my bed; furthest from the door.

"I told you-"
Sal cuts me off.

"You're always right."
He doesn't look at me, he just sits down on my bed and stares at the wall.

'Now I feel bad. No, I shouldn't, he did deserve it...right?'

I walk over to Sal and sit beside him on my bed. I glance at him, then stare at the same wall he's staring at.
"I'm sorry."
I apologise. I did feel a little bad, I think I took it too far.

"What, Why?"
Sal now looks at me with confusion.
I look back into his eyes then back to the wall.

"I took it too far when I hit you,"
I briefly explain.
"Sure, I had a right to be mad at you, but I didn't have the right to hit you. I'm sorry."

"I'm sorry too."

My eyes slightly widened as I hear those words come out of his mouth. I sit there, basking in the silence, repeating his words in my mind to make sure I heard them correctly.

"You hate me more now, don't you..?"
Sal asks. I look at him and smile.

"No, I'm just shocked...The Sal Fisher is apologising. To me no less."
I joke with a giggle.
"It's quite a lot to take in."
I laugh, and Sal laughs too.

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