Chapter 2 - 6' feet Tall.

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{Song of the chapter ~ Master of puppets metallica}

{Song of the chapter ~ Master of puppets metallica}

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(A/N : Outfit above is yours)


We finally arrived in Nockfell, well I wouldn't have known if my mother didn't wake me up when the plane had landed. Some how I was so tired that I slept for a whole 5 hours, but it's way better than being awake and bored for 5 hours so, I'm not complaining at all.

But, my father sure is.

We now are walking into the Nockfell airport, heading to the parking lot for our cab. While my dad is going off about how our cab is a little late, I don't know what time it is here but I know that it has to be around 11:30am by now or something and the cab was suppose to be here at 11am.
My mom is just trying to calm him down, but he just lashes out at her, telling her not to tell him to "calm down".

Your wife is just trying to help you out so you don't get a heart attack. But I bet at this moment she wouldn't actually mind the chance of that happening (neither would I).
Considering the very irritated look on her face as she glares at my father with at-most hate.

Finally, my dad stopped talking when we all spotted a cab coming our way. The car stopped right infront of us, we knew for sure it was ours.

"Fucking finally!"
My dad's yells profanity with an annoyed face.

My mother yells towards my father.

I mean he did just curse infront of like thirty strangers...that's not a very good look on our family. So, good on you mom.

We all pile in the car, my father sits in the front whilst me and my mother sit in the back together.

My mother knows that I don't really get along with my dad, heck, my mother doesn't even get along with him 24/7.
So she knows I won't want to be stuck sitting with him for long periods of time. Or, at all, for that matter.
And boy do I appreciate when she realizes things like that, it allows me to avoid my father as much as possible.

We sit in the car and I have my backpack on the ground inbetween both of my legs as I wait to arrive in my new home. Yay...!

I know I should be happy, because it's a 'fresh start' a new town, with no friends, and no family aside from my parents, and I'm pretty much now all alone.
So I kind of do have a reason to not be happy, when i think about it.

I kept thinking about how my new life in Nockfell would be, but I just couldn't imagine how this could be a good choice. How was moving away from everything I've ever known and pretty much putting me in isolation a good move?

"Are you okay?"
My mom turns to me and asks worriedly. I look at her for a moment, wondering if I should tell her how I really feel or just lie.

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