Chapter 18 - You have a kid?!

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{Song of The Chapter ~ Emotions Brenda Lee}

{Song of The Chapter ~ Emotions Brenda Lee}

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Finally all three of us stood inside Larry's treehouse. It's very cozy, except for the small draft flowing through the room, but over all quite cute and cozy.

Larry and his father did a great job!
I wonder if I could ever meet the genius himself.

The entire room is filled with little nick knacks and regular old family photos. Mostly of him and his mom. There was a Gameboy sitting on one of the beanbags in the room, on the side of it read 'SAL' in bold letters.

'I guess that's Sal's'

But one thing that really caught my eye was a large chest sitting off near the corner of the room. It looked old and had a soft coat of dust lawing atop of it.

I walked closer to it and kneeled down. I opened the chest without even thinking twice, maybe should have re-thought that.

"Y/N get out of there!"
Larry exclaims.

I immediatly back away, startled by the sudden yelling. The lid of the chest however stays open and I spot a picture of a man holding a baby and Lisa standing by the mans side.

Larry rushes over and slams the chest shut. Locking it in the process.

"Who was that?"

"You shouldn't have gone in there."

"Oh, I'm sorry Larry, I- I-"

"Ask next time instead of poking your nose into other peoples buisness!"

"Hey man, she didn't know, it was an accident,"
Sal stands infront of him and touches Larry's shoulder in attempts to calm him down a bit.

Larry sighs and looks down, then back up into my eyes. He looks, almost - sad?

"I'm sorry Larry, you're right, I should have asked-."
I apologise once more.

"No its alright, you didn't know. Its just-..."
Larry takes a deep breath.
"Its just, sensitive, and I don't want anyone to know about it."

Even though him not answering my question made me that much more curious, I said nothing. He seemed really upset about whatever he was hiding from me and I figured if he wanted to tell me about it, he would. So I will not push on.

"I'm sorry man, I didn't mean to lash out at you like that,"
Larry apologised.

"It's alright Larry, you're right I should have asked,"
I smiled back at him.

"Great, now that that's resolved - Y/N,"
Sal interrupts and gestures a hand towards a bean bag. He pulls me away from Larry and sits me down.

"Oh- uh, thanks..?"
I say, confused.
"But why am I sitting down?"

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