Chapter 23 - Returning the favor.

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{Song Of The Chapter ~ Hey Sexy Lady Shaggy}

{Song Of The Chapter ~ Hey Sexy Lady Shaggy}

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My eyes widened as I heard Sal spill the truth.

"Oh my god..."
I muttered under my breath quietly.

Oh gosh. I just wanted to have a relaxing day! Is that too much to ask, god?

'God is really not fond of me, is he?'

Not only did Sal tell Larry we kissed, but Larry doesn't seem to have taken the news too well. I can not believe Sal just said that!

Larry then flicks his gaze over to me. I almost flinched at the harsh glare controlling his features.

I give a nervous smile.

I look over to Sal and give him an exact stare that says 'what the fuck, dude?'. He sends an apologetic look back as I tear my gaze away from his and back to Larry's.

"Come in?"
I ask with a skittish stance. I open the front door for them, gesturing for the two boys to come inside.

Larry stomps in with an angry deep breath, whilst Sal just shuffles shyly in after him. Sal pats my shoulder to bring me slight reassurance, though, it did little to calm me down.

I turn around and shut the front door before walking into the living room behind the two. Sal sits on the couch while Larry stood firmly, staring through to my soul. I sigh, I really hoped this wouldn't affect my friendship with Sal and Larry - unless it was a good change; like a relationship instead of friendship.

I let out a deep breath.

On cue, Larry interrupted me. That wasn't what surprised me - but his soft tone, as he smoothly spoke, was.

"When was this?"
He says; referring to the kiss.

My gaze finally drifts up from the wooden floor to meet Larry's own.


Larry sighs and looks away from me; over to Sal then brings it back to me.
"Why didn't you tell me sooner? Not just you but Sal too,"

"We're sorry Larry, we just didn't want to hurt your feelings,"
Sal said.

"It's true, we both really care about you and we- I felt bad, I didn't want you to be hurt nor did I want you to feel that I favored Sal over you. Cause I don't. I love you both equally,"
I give Larry a slight (but sincere) smile.

Sal's head turns over to me and Larry's eyes seemed to widen for a second before sharing a look with Sal.

"I get it,"
Larry shrugs.
"You didn't want me to be upset and I respect that."

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