Chapter 11 - "It feels great to be a liar."

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{Song of the chapter ~ Porn star dancing My darkest days - Ft. Chad Kroeger and Zakk Wylde}

 Chad Kroeger and Zakk Wylde}

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"Well? Why are Sal and Larry so dangerous?"
I question once more. Travis seemed to be sort of...I don't know - stuck - in his head ever since I asked that question.
It's kind of freaking me out.

"Uh- Well- Larry, he beat the living hell out of me just yesterday! Where else do you think I got this black eye from."
Travis stated.

"Larry did that?"
I asked in bewilderment. Just when I was beginning to think he was okay.

Travis confirmed. But where did that bloody nose come from?

"How did your nose start bleeding then?"
I question him. I seriously need some total confirmation right now. I don't know who to believe anymore.

"Like I said, Larry beat the shit out of me."

"But you said he did that to you, yesterday."

Travis still pushed on, not seeing his mistake.

"Uh- well, how is your nose still bloody?"

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Travis's POV
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My eyes widen in relaisation. Oh shit!

"Uh well, he must have got me good because it stopped bleeding yesterday then when I got to school this morning; BOOM! It was bleeding again."
I continued to lie to Y/N.
"Hints the whole being in the office thing."

I look to her and put on a face that hopefully made me look like I'm telling the truth. Hoping she buys it.

She softens her confused face.
"Oh, I didn't know that could even happen."

"Trust me, I didn't either until today."

"Well, you learn something new everyday."
She smiles and giggles. I laugh a little with her, mostly just because I'm happy she bought it.

'Her laugh is nice...'

There is a nice comforting silence for a minute and I watch as Y/N sits on one of the benches. I stay standing but I walk over to her; now standing infront of her.

To be honest I'm kind of enjoying the silence, I need it just to think for now. And her company is quite nice...comforting.

'I need to make sure those freaks stay away from her.'

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