Chapter 12

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When I finally woke up the next morning, Kai's side of the bed was cold. He must have been up hours before me. I felt uneasy, like something was going to happen, but I didn't know what. My stomach was in knots, my heart pounding. The windows were open wide, sunlight and fresh water streaming in.

Ronan was healing. Aunt Naia and Aurora hadn't been seen or heard from since his kidnapping. King Marlin and Queen Irvetta were happily ruling Nepptheas, easing back into royal life.

Still, I felt jumpy and unsettled. I had just silently swum into the bathing room, bracing myself against the counter as I stared at myself in the mirror when a sudden noise shattered the silence. A dagger, slicing through the water, missing my curls by a scale's breadth, carved a gash in my cheek. It pierced the wall behind my head with an audible thuk. I bit back a cry as I spun around, hand groping for my own dagger.

A mermaid stared back at me, eyes glittering with malice. "Killing Sophia was almost too easy. I was foolish to think her brother would be as simple. I may have left him alive, but that doesn't mean I can't—or won't—still kill him. I won't stop, Isadora, until I've killed everyone you love." Her words were spiteful and cruel. She swam to me, lovingly running a hand down my cheek. The cut on my face opened wider as her nails dug into the skin ever so slightly.

Before I even had the chance to open my mouth, she was gone, swimming back into the bedroom and disappearing out the window. I let out a shuddering exhale, my body trembling. I couldn't move. I could hardly breathe.

A knock on the door had me moving. I threw it open, my breath coming fast—too fast. I couldn't imagine what my expression was, but judging from the guard's own as he floated in front of me, I was guessing it was bad. He quickly scanned me from head to tail, worry shining in his eyes. They widened in alarm as he noticed my cheek.

"Your Highness? Are you alright? We heard voices." He was unfamiliar, but there was kindness in his words. I looked past him and saw another guard, his eyes trained on me.

The fear hadn't lessened in the minutes following the attack—if anything it had increased. My entire body, from my head to my tail, was shaking. For a long moment, I couldn't speak. When I finally spoke, my voice trembled. "Have guards posted at every entrance, at the palace and Aegrem and Beltmare's borders. Queen Naia broke in under cover of darkness, targeted me. She didn't severely wound me, but I fear she may do so in the future."

The last word had scarcely left my mouth before yet another voice spoke up, this one filled with concern and worry. "Isadora? What's going on?" Kai swam in front of the guards, dismissing them with a flick of his chin.

He took my hand and led me into the sitting room. "You're shaking. Take a breath and tell me what happened." When he saw the cut on my cheek, he winced, worry filling his eyes.

It was several minutes before I could speak again. "Aunt Naia... she was here."

His expression darkened; his hands clenched into fists. He took a deep breath before responding. "Did she say anything to you?" The words were edged with fury, as if he was clinging to the edge of his self-control.

I had scarcely opened my mouth to respond when the door flew open. Dad swam in, trailed by Mom and Queen Katrina. "Izzy? What's going on?" Like Kai, worry filled his eyes, fury crossing his face as he saw the cut on my cheek.

I shook my head, suddenly exhausted. The adrenaline rush from the attack was wearing off and it was all I could do not to curl up in bed and sleep for a week. Kai took one look at my face and quickly explained, his voice slightly calmer now.

Dad's reaction was similar to Kai's. His eyes darkened, his fists and jaw clenching. "I should have prevented this. Maybe if I'd been there, I would have been able to..." As he trailed off, his shoulders slumped, a heaviness settling into him.

I knew the signs of blame all too well. I quickly reached out and took his hand, forcing him to meet my eyes. "Dad, you can't blame yourself. None of us could have seen this coming." I hoped my words sounded more confident than I felt.

When he looked up at me, some of the darkness dissipated from his expression, as if he was only just now hearing my words. "We'll be extra vigilant from now on. Izzy, I think it would be best if you had someone with you at all times. Kai can't be by your side 24/7, and we can't take any more chances." His voice was calm now.

I immediately glanced at Mom, who read the question in my eyes and nodded. She disappeared out the door, closing it quietly behind her. Dad swam to me, wrapping his arms around me. I hugged him back, neither of us letting go for a while. I could feel the fear and worry and anger in his body.

"I'm okay, Dad," I whispered. When the knock sounded on the door, I flinched. Ronan was on the other side, trailed by Mom and Nadia.

The former's worried eyes scanned me from head to tail, eyes darkening when he saw my cheek. I did the same, relieved to see the sling gone. The bruises on his face were healed completely, smooth skin in their place. "A guard told us what happened. Where is she now?" Ronan's voice was calm as he spoke.

I ushered them all inside, closing the door behind them. "I—I don't know. Everything happened so fast..." I trailed off, shame surging through me.

Ronan shook his head. "It's okay, Izzy. I'll regroup with the guards and rendezvous with Queen Irvetta and King Marlin. They need to be aware of the situation."

With a final worrying glance in my direction, he left the room. Mom swam in front of me, placing a hand on my uninjured cheek. Oh, baby. When tears filled her eyes, I felt my own well up.

Every ounce of strength left my body in a rush. I collapsed into my mom's arms, tears running down my cheeks. She stroked my curls, not saying anything as I cried.

Later that night, I laid awake in bed, unable to sleep. Every time I closed my eyes, I saw Aunt Naia, her eyes glittering with malice. Kai looked at me, running a hand down my cheek. "You need to sleep, Isadora," he whispered. "I'm right here."

His words were soft, and as he wrapped his arms around me, I felt my eyelids growing heavier and heavier until I slipped into sleep.

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