The beginning

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Today was supposed to be a relaxing work day where all I had to do was run some errands and finish some paperwork. But, some how I am in Akutagawa's apartment taking a bath with him. I don't even know why I'm taking a bath with him myself to be completely honest. But hopefully you will understand once I tell you how I got here.

6:39 am
I yawned as I got up from bed and woke Kyouka up. I walked to the kitchen and opened the fridge to see what I can make. "Hmmmm" I hummed to myself. "Wonder what we can eat for breakfast?" Oh I got it. Hey Kyouka!
"Yeah Atsushi?" Kyouka said while walking out of the bedroom.
"Want some Omurice?"
Sounds delicious!" Kyouka replied with a happy cheer.

kyouka and I have grown close to each other these past weeks. And not the lovey dovey kind of close I mean like friends. I grabbed the eggs out of the fridge and some extra rice from last nights dinner.

I cracked the egg on the counter top and poured the albumen into a bowl and mixed it into a yellow creamy substance. I poured the new yellow substance into a frying pan and swirled it around to make it even. I let it sit for a few seconds then I started to fold it into the omelette. I put some rice into a plate and grabbed my chopsticks. I used my chopsticks to help me get the omelette out of the pan and onto the rice.

After that I repeated the process again. After I finished making my omelette Kyouka was already out of the bathroom fully dressed and ready to walk out of the door. I grabbed both of our plates and set them down on the table in our bedroom/ living room. I grabbed the ketchup and drizzled some on top of our Omurice and began eating. The egg began to ooze out of the omelette as soon as I cut it.

The rich goldish colored told spilling onto my plate was like Heaven. The soothing rich flavor of the eggs filled my mouth when I took my first bite. I could see on Kyouka's face she loved the omelette too. After we finished eating I put the dirty plates and spoon in the dishwasher and went to the bathroom to get dressed for work. After I finished getting ready I went to the front door where Kyouka was waiting for me and put my shoes on.

We left the building around 7:20 and arrived at the agency around 7:40. When I got there Dazai was on the ground begging one of our customers to commit double suicide with him.
"Pls my fair maiden would you do the honor of dying with me?"
The girl just stood there with a disappointed look on her face.

I looked at Kyoko and just motioned to her to go sit down. When Kyouka began to walk to her desk Kunikida came barging though the door to the meeting room and whacked Dazai on the top of the head.
"What are you doing Dazai you are supposed to be helping out with this murder case!"
Kunikida swiftly looked up at the girl and then back to me.
"Hey kid, take this girl to the cafe and ask her some questions about this case."
Kunikida then opened a folder and grabbed some papers out of it and handed them to me.

Kyouka sprung up from here seat ready to go with me, but Kunikida made her sit back down cause she had paper work to do.
"If you don't mind following me miss."
The girl nodded ever so slightly and we began our way down to the cafe.

When I opened the door Lucy was at one of the tables cleaning some plates and cups off of it. When Lucy heard the bell on the door she turned to me and gave me a cold stare. I just sat down with the lady I was "interviewing" and looked at the papers Kunikida gave me. Not even five minutes after started reading the papers Lucy walked to out table and looked at me. I could feel her gaze.

It felt like I was in a dark room with only a little candle of light that was starting to slowly die. I looked at Lucy and gave her a smile saying "Hi there, how are you doing." But she wasn't having it. Lucy made a tsk sound with he mouth and grabbed a notebook and a pen out of her apron.
"What can I get you and your date today?"
"Oh no we are not on a date, we are here on work business." Im here to ask her some questions about a case."
"If you say so." But make my job easier and just order something." Lucy said in a sassy, but jealous voice.
"Two coffees please."
Lucy jotted down two coffees on her notebook and just walked off.
"Excuse me, but should we get on with the questions?"
"Oh that's right, sorry about that."
"Oh no it's alright."
*After interrogation/ interview??*
So when the killer attacked you at work they had black hair with the tips dyed white, and they said to the victim who was killed that his name is Diablo??
"Yes that's right."
It couldn't be Akutagawa, right? No way, we had a deal. No killing for the six months. Did he break our promise?
"Miss can you describe his ability please?"

The girl hesitated like she didn't have an answer. But she said she saw the whole thing play out. Was it a set up to frame Akutagawa? I sat up and told the girl I needed to use the restroom, but I don't think she wanted me to leave. As soon as I stood up and took a step out of the booth she grabbed my wrist and whispered "where are you going, I'm not done speaking yet."

Her head slightly turned towards me showing what her true intentions were. I was set up, no, we were set up.

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