New Hideout

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No one's Pov~

Akutagawa and Hadley stood back to back facing The Jack and GP. Akutagawa was finally able summon Rashomon. That means that they wanted to fight for Atsushi and that they really needed him. But why? What did they need him for?

The Jack finally appeared infront of Hadley. His checkered cane in his right hand and a black fan with three cards of the Jack were attached to the outside wooden frame. GP was facing Akutagawa with Atsushi still in his arms.

GP used his chains to lift Atsushi into the air out of his arms and chained him to a chair.

Akutagawa and Hadley were no match for The Jack and GP. They were thrown all over the place wrecking the furniture and being flung through the walls into other rooms. Their fight lasted for only three minutes at most, but for them it felt like ten.

When the ADA and the Port Mafia arrived they were met to a gruesome scene. Blood everywhere and two bodies laid in the main room on the floor hugging each other and another in the hallway.

Dazai walked through all the broken pieces of furniture and walls to the main room where Akutagawa and Atsushi were on the ground holding onto each other. Dazai bent down and checked both of their pulses and they were both struggling to hold on to dear life.

Chuuya walked through towards the hallway and spotted Hadley under a broken China cabinet. Chuuya lifted the China Cabinet and yelled that he found her alive, but barely.

They were all three taken back to the Agency and Yosano started healing them right away. Once Yosano finished healing the three the agency and the Port Mafia called an emergency meeting.

The ADA and the Port Mafia both knew they needed to work together. They needed to team up to stop The Jack and GP. They had underestimated their potential and they were paying for it.

After they organized a plan to protect Atsushi, Akutagawa, and Hadley they all decided to call it a day. It was already late and they all needed rest. But the people who needed rest most of all were in intensive care.

1 Week later~

Akutagawa was the last to wake up. Hadley was the first and Atsushi was the second. Once they all three woke up Dazai filled them in on what happened while they were asleep.

The ADA and the Port Mafia were getting threats by The Jack and GP. The Jack demanded that we handed over Atsushi and GP demanded that we handed over Hadley.

They could tell The Jack and GP didn't have the same goals. They both wanted different people and not the same.

The ADA and the Port Mafia paired some people up for missions cause the crime rate rocketed through the roof by 48% in a couple of days.

The Port Mafia had set up a secret location in a unidentified location. No one knew where it was except for Dazai, Mori, and Fukuzawa.

Atsushi and Akutagawa will be staying there and Hadley will be staying in a home right by it. Dazai wanted to make sure they stayed together.......He also wanted to give Akutagawa some "ALONE TIME" with Atsushi.

Gin and Kyouka already packed Akutagawa's and Atsushi's bags for them so they could head straight over there after they were feeling better.

Hadley didn't really have anything so Yosano and Naomi made a disguise for Hadley and took her shopping. They made sure she had lots of clothes and some stuff to keep her busy.

When they finished shopping with Hadley she had a lot of clothes and some fun stuff do when she was away for the time being.

Hadley got a lot of books and journals to write in, Naomi got Hadley lots of fabric and thread for sewing, and Yosano got Hadley some "TOOLS" to practice using.
Hadley was confused at first but Yosano reassured her they will come in handy in case of an emergency.

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