Staying Together?!

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Akutagawa's pov
I don't know how long it had been, but I must have fallen asleep at some point, cause when I woke up it was already past seven. I stretched my arms out and yawned as I stood up from the chair I had been sitting on for hours. My legs felt so numb. I looked at the bed where Atsushi was sleeping, or had been sleeping.

OH NO HE'S GONE!!!! I ran out of the clinics doors and saw Atsushi in an office chair talking to Dazai about what happened or what he remembered. As soon as the door slammed open Atsushi looked at me with his eyes widened, shocked.

Atsushi's pov
I was talking to Dazai about what I had remembered before I passed out until the door from the clinic had slammed open. When I turned to look who barged through the door I saw Akutagawa slightly panting like he was scared, not like he was tired, but scared. I stood up from my chair and walked over to him trying to thank him, but as soon as thanks came out of my mouth, my legs gave in.

I was about to fall and hit the ground, but a pair of gentle arms reached out and caught me. He held me in his arms and made sure I didn't hit the ground. Dazai just looked at Akutagawa holding me and just smirked.
"Looks like you two are getting along"
Me and Akutagawa just stood there in silence until I was lifted up by Akutagawa.
"Umm Akutagawa???"
Akutagawa then carried me to the office chair I was sitting on while I was talking to Dazai and set me down on it. He then pulled up a chair next to me and sat down next to me.
"So Dazai what are we going to do?"
" I have a pretty good idea on what to do, but you two may not agree with it."
"Why would Akutagawa and me disagree with it?"
"We'll when you both were snoozing, everyone was discussing how to treat the Poison Heart ability that was placed on you."
We decided that it would be better if you stayed with Akutagawa since his ability can give him an advantage against the Poison Heart killer.
"So you decide for the weretiger to stay with me, without even ASKING ME FIRST?!?!"
"Pretty much"

I looked at Akutagawa and saw that he was furious with Dazai, but he was yelling at him or trying to chock him to death like how Kunikida does. It was probably because he still wanted Dazai's appreciation. Or maybe- Then out of nowhere Akutagawa sprung up from his chair and stood in front of me.
"Hey, we're going home now it's getting late."
I could hear in his voice that he was annoyed and tired. I don't really know what happened after I passed out, but by what Dazai told me; Akutagawa carried me up the stairs and to the clinic.

I must have been heavy if he was that tired after carrying me. Akutagawa then picked me up and carried me to the front door of the agency.
"I'll call a cab so you don't have to wait for one to pass by or carry him all the way."
"What about you Dazai?"
"Oh I'll be fine Akutagawa, I'm heading over to Chuuya's place after I finish some last minute paper work.
Akutagawa then opened the door and carried me out of the agency. As we headed down the stairs I noticed I started to feel a bit drowsy.

Akutagawa's pov
When we were heading down the stairs I noticed the weretiger's head started bobbling back as forward until it bent back and he passed out. I shook Atsushi back and forward(while trying not to drop him) to wake him up. Thankfully Atsushi woke up, but he didn't look too good. He looked sick. I then walked down the rest of the stairs and stopped at the bottom.

I slightly tilted my head towards him and placed my cheek in his forehead. I quickly pulled my face away from him and brushed it on my shoulder. His forehead was burning hot. His temperature had to be at least over 103. This isn't good.

The ability must be kicking in. She did say it would take a few hours for it to kick in. When I exited the agency a cab was waiting and when I hoped in I told the driver to head to ###### ######, my apartment. As soon as we got there I headed up the stairs with Atsushi in my arms and fumbled my keys in my hand as I tried to unlock the door, but thankfully Gin was home.

Gin opened the door and let me in. I quickly ran to the couch and placed him on it.
"What's going on Ryuu?"
"He was hit with an ability that will kill him slowly from the inside."
She said the ability would kick in in a few hours, but I didn't think it would start like this!
"He looks like he's burning up."
I'll go grab a wet compress.
What should I do? He looks like he is in a lot of pain. There must be a way to help ease the pain. She said there was a way, but I would have to figure that out.

The way she had looked when she said that, means it must be a way someone doesn't want to use. The only way is to use, "The Force."
(Sorry couldn't miss the opportunity to put that there🤣)

"Akutagawa I found the wet compress!"
Gin then ran from the bathroom and brought it over to Atsushi and put it on him.
"Hopefully that will help him feel better, if not then call me and I will rush over to come help."
"Where are you going?!"
"I'm going to Higuchi's for a "girls night" so I'm staying over there for tonight cause we will probably knock out after a certain time."
"And what certain time is that?"
"1, maybe even 3 in the morning?"
Who knows.
Also you need an extra bed for Atsushi to sleep on.
"The couch is fi-"
"NO! He is sick he needs to sleep in a normal bed!"
"I'm going now so take care of him and yourself."
Well that went great. I bring home a man and she leaves to a girls house. I wonder where she gets that tone from?

(You Akutagawa, she gets it from you)

I then looked back at Atsushi laying on the couch and went back to wondering what could "soothe" his pain. I slowly stood up and picked up Atsushi again. I couldn't trouble Gin by putting a sick Weretiger on her bed. So I carried him to mine.

I set him down on my base and went to grab him a blanket, but I was stopped by Atsushi. I turned around and saw that Atsushi was holding onto my coat.
"It hurts." He whispered.
His eyes were closed but I think he knew I was there, or maybe he didn't? I bent down and looked at Atsushi's face.

He was in pain, but he looked kinda lewd with that face like he wanted- oh fuck. I know why she had that face when she said " There is a way to "soothe" the pain, but I will let you figure that one out." She meant that me and Atsushi would have to...gulp....have sex. I mean I wouldn't mind it, but.....OH MY GOD WHAT DID I JUST. Ughhhhhh. I then slapped my face and and looked back at Atsushi. I couldn't tell if my face was red, but I'm pretty sure is was as red as Clifford the big red dog.
How are you feeling?
"Like shit."
It hurts a lot.
"Where does it hurt a lot?"
"How do I explain this?"
It well, it hurts, inside?
Then suddenly my mind flashed with many thoughts and pictures that should have never been shown.
"I think, we'll I don't know if it will work, but I may have found a way to help "soothe" the pain."
"What is it?"
"Let's just say I need your consent first."
"Okay, you umm, you have my consent."
(Aaaa we love consent now don't we☺️)
"Im sorry for what I'm about to do, but this will help "soothe" the pain."
I then stood up and hopped on the bed on top of Atsushi. I then used Rashomon and tied both of his hands back to the head board.
I looked down at Atsushi's face that was even redder then before and bent towards his face. I stopped my face a couple of millimeters away from his and said" brace yourself Atsushi Nakajima cause depending on how long it takes to "soothe" the pain depends on how fast I go."

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