Great, Just, Great-Part 2

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Akutagawa's pov

As me at Atsushi walked to the agency all that was hers was the honking of cars and people chatting about their every day life.

I walked on the outside of Atsushi facing the street cause people say gentlemen must walk on the side closes by the street to be protective, I think. I can't really remember. I could tell Atsushi didn't want to start a conversation since he kept his head facing down avoiding eye contact. Was it because we?

OH GOSH IS HE UNCOMFORTABLE CAUSE I MADE HIM HAVE SEX WITH ME?! Sigh* I turned to Atsushi and slid my hand around his waist. I could feel him flinch as my hand made contact to his waist. He looked up then straight at me.
"Remember you are a target, you need to stay close to me."
Atsushi just looked at me and then scooted a little bit towards me. I could see his cheeks lightly turn pink as he looked the other way to avoid eye contact. Cute.

The Poison Heart Killer~
-40 minutes after the Cafe incident-

I walked up the rickety stairs in the warehouse to the second floor where "he" was waiting. I bent down with my knee touching the ground like how a knight is about to be honored for their great achievement they have just accomplished. I tilted my head down and closed my eyes so that I was not punished for looking at him again.
"Did you do it?"
He said in a demanding deep voice like professor Snape from Harry Potter, but only if he had a way deeper voice.
"I did, I-"
"I don't want an explanation I want to know if you DID IT OR NOT!!"
I flinched as he yelled at me. I had almost opened my eyes but thankfully I had kept them close. I hate it when he yells. When he yells you know there is a punishment waiting for you. He is like the devil of all devils.

A monster. No human would talk or act like him. That's why he was named the way he his. I slowly lifted my head up with my eyes still closed and I responded with a
"Yes sir, it was successful."
"Good, NOW LEAVE!"
I need my peace and quiet as I figure out what to do with our newest pawn.
I was about to get up and leave until a small clanking sound could be heard from infront of "him". It got louder and louder and louder until, it stopped.

The room ran quiet, until a small cough broke it's silence.
"What do you want Shichi?"
"Oh I'm not here to make a fuss I bring news."
Oh and don't wag your tail off from excitement.
"Speak before I kill you Shichi."
I'm done with your Bullshit.
"Oh the profanity!"
Shichi yelled while covering his mouth. It made a wired sound that echoed in the building like if you had popped a bubble inside a hollow room. His voice sounded like a mix of that glitchy King Candy from Reck it Ralph and that weird moon character from that Fnaf game that came out in America.
"We'll you know that Atsushi Nakajima kid right?"
"Yeah, what about him."
"We'll you see he was able to sense "MY" ability on him."
"He WHAT!"
Boss banged both of his arms on the chair and sprung up from it. He then turned to me and grabbed ahold of my neck.
"I *cough* did *cough*"
I *wheeze* injected him *cough* with the *wheeze* vile you gave *wheeze* me.
Boss then let go of my throat and I began to gasp for air. I almost opened my eyes again when he was chocking me.
"Then explain why he can't sense his own ability on him."
"They might have found*wheeze* a way to slow it down."
Boss then turned to Shichi and looked him dead in the eye.
"Is there a way to slow down your ability?"
"There is, but it's different for everyone."
His ability changes him physically and can change him emotionally.
I have seen people who I give my blood too that have abilities like that, well let's just say they need something that can change their mood and can effect them physically.
"Like what?"
Did he just make a beep sound?😀
"So they have to do that."
I kept wondering what "That meant". Was it self harm, or fighting, or, wait a minute. Do they mean he has to have sex to slow down the process of the ability?
"Yes sir."
"You may now leave, and continue the mission."
"Yes sir."
I stood up and began walking towards the stairs till I felt a hand grab my wrist.
"Well well well, I didn't know you kept beautiful young ladies by your side."
I tried to yank my hand away as best as I could but his grip was as hard as stone.

Like that one scene from that movie Percy Jackson where that girl has here hand stuck in a stone statue cause Medusa froze the other girl into stone. He then pulled me closer and wrapped his hand around my waist.
"Would be a shame to just leave her to you."
Why don't you come wi-
Shichi's sentence was interrupted by a knife being thrown in between us.

Shichi let go of me and backed up with his arms bent and his hands in the air.
"Woah woah, I was only joking."
"Joke your way out of here Shichi."
If you touch her again I swear I'll."
"You'll what?"
You can't do anything.
You are just a pawn.
You may have the role of making pawns to play in your little game, but I have the power that controls you and your pawns.
So you can try threatening me and see where that leads you, but I warned you to never go down that rabbit hole.
But, it seems Alice is starting to get awfully curious about where the rabbit went.

And you know what happened to Alice.
Shichi then grabbed a pen out of his pocket and crushed it. Ink splattered all over the ground and on his mask with a half sad face and half happy face on it.
"She died, the end."
Shichi turned around quickly then walked off onto the dark shadow that layed infront of him. I kept my face down and kept my eyes closed as I heard the boss walking towards me.

I could feel the sleeve of his button up wipe the ink off my face.
"Go do your mission and be back by 4 tomorrow."
"Yes sir."
"And make sure to stay away from Shichi."
He's dangerous and could.....he could hurt you.
"I will sir."
I then turned around and jogged out of the warehouse. When I reached outside I opened my eyes and took a deep breathe.

I looked into my coats pocket and grabbed the bike of Shichi's blood. I gripped it tightly and whispered.
"Time to become The Poison Heart Killer again."
I then used my ability and made a mask out of the darkness that only showed my eyes. If only I wasn't born with these eyes then I would have grown up like a normal child and not a murderer. My cursed purple and yellow eyes. Oh how much I hated them.

If I was in Coraline I would have picked the button eyes right away and got rid of these eyes. I then stared up at the sky and watched the clouds slowly move across the sky. I looked back down and turned to my left where a boy with orange hair, fancy looking clothes, and raging eyes looked at me.

Oh and also he is really short. Not minion size, but he was pretty short. Then it popped. Orange hair, check, fancy looking clothes, check, anger issues, check and check, and shortness, triple check.

It was Chuuya Nakahara. I forgot boss told me to stay away from him cause of how powerful he is. Shit. Just my luck. Why do I have to run in to him here. Great, just, great.

🌸Next chapter will be exciting and will take a little longer cause I need a lot of details to make it a very detailed chapter. Also I'm having a Q&A so feel free to ask any question about the story or me🌸

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